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  • Only the thread starter and admins can reply to appeals/complaints.

Complaint Handled Complaint from Litl-Precious about player Alejandro160112

Who are you reporting? Alejandro160112

Date of incident Aug 2, 2024

Which server were you on? BZ 3

Describe the incident Subject is banned from BZ servers, playing under a new name . Original name is : Denis, who is Russian and has been banned for racism and political talk . A 2ndary name he has used is PutinM . Subject is playing under a new name of : Alejandro160112 on BZ 3 on 08/02/24 at 9:00 pm . He is in the chat log, and talking like he has in the past . I think if you compare his IP you will find it to be the same individual .


Staff member
-bZ- Member
BF4 Admin
Not seeing any linked accounts that match. Issued 7D ban for political chat / spam