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Complaint Handled Complaint from LoneWolf6757 about player _xIPoSiiTroN

Who are you reporting? _xIPoSiiTroN

Date of incident Dec 17, 2023

Which server were you on? Metro/Locker/Pearl Hardcore

Describe the incident This occurred about 2:00 central standard time. Decided to send this because it was a bit suspicious and this player seemed to know where people were a lot thought the game. In the video provided it shows him get shot in the head and his character rag doll on the ground. Instantly, I get shot by him and die. You have to slow down the footage but his character somehow gets back up even though he rag dolled on the ground and jump for a bit until it shows that he had been killed not for sure if its cheats or high ping. I know his ping was 141 reviewing my footage. But for that all to happen within that time frame. Never seen this before in battlefield so figured to share.


40mm enthusiast
Staff member
-bZ- Member
BF4 Admin
He zouzoued you, he doesn’t appear to be cheating. The best way to catch cheaters is by spectating them and recording footage from their PoV, and/or stats (there are exceptions but this case isn’t one of them). Stats look fine and your footage isn’t showing anything I’d call out of the ordinary. I recommend you spectate him and record for next time.
Ok just wanted to send cuz it was something that I have never ever seen before. Just wanted to put it out there just in case. I always record when I game. I do not usually spectate people because that takes too much time to back out and rejoin as a spectator. But thank you for being quick to respond.
Oh btw what does zouzoued mean. Not for sure if I am to old to understand what that is but that is something that I have never seen or heard before through my whole life. Just curious.


40mm enthusiast
Staff member
-bZ- Member
BF4 Admin
I do not usually spectate people because that takes too much time to back out and rejoin as a spectator.

You’re not gonna have much luck reporting then unless their stats just so happen to be lit up like a Christmas tree.