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  • Only the thread starter and admins can reply to appeals/complaints.

Complaint Handled Complaint from LucionZ31 about player NukaNegan

Who are you reporting? NukaNegan

Date of incident Jun 7, 2024

Which server were you on? 24/7 Locker 60hz

Describe the incident Attacking E uncap unprovoked.. You can see him at the very beginning parachute from E mountain to attack the uncap from behind.

Which imo, E mountain beacon BEHIND the uncap should be against the rules. I know you guys keep tight to the 4 rules for simplicity, but there kind of needs to be a rule for Locker itself. This happens.... EVERY. DAY. But with the lack of an active admin on the server... here I am on the forum. Again. It's just one of those spots DICE never got around to.

Not to mention, this player in particular fakes his "STAB" clan tag. All around POS.



Staff member
-bZ- Member
BF4 Admin
Thanks for the report, player has been banned for this offense as well as continues Clan recruiting / Spam. Thanks!