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Complaint Handled Complaint from No1YeeTer818 about player Austinx007

Who are you reporting? Austinx007

Date of incident Feb 17, 2022

Which server were you on? ! bZ #2 -- 60Hz HARDCORE Locker/Metro/Pearl -- BANZORE.COM

Describe the incident GRIEFING. We had been getting attacked on E and I decided to use mortar at base and Austinx007 kept destroying my mortar for no reason. This happened twice and minutes apart but I didn't record the first incident but sure started right after.

It's a shame people don't understand we use equipment like mortar against the enemy from advancing just like MAV.



40mm enthusiast
Staff member
-bZ- Member
BF4 Admin
I dropped a punish on them, but it seems to have turned itself into a 1 week ban :oops:

Thank you for the report!