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Complaint Handled Complaint from pattynotoes about player pattynotoes, BozZ-Freak

Who are you reporting? pattynotoes, BozZ-Freak

Date of incident Jul 23, 2024

Which server were you on? BZ1: vanilla, siege of shanghai

Describe the incident I was waiting for our team's attack helicopter to spawn. When it did, I spawned as gunner in an attack helicopter piloted by BozZ-Rockets. Their squadmate, BozZ-Freaks immediately teamkills me out of the gunner seat. Instinctively, I fired my cannon at whoever was shooting me, and killed BozZ-Rockets.

I then proceeded to teamkill them evenly around 5 times before I was kicked from the server automatically. These teamkills were intentional and unwarranted. I was letting my anger out on them unjustly over a disagreement over a vehicle seat. I understand that this was an incredibly childish move and their behavior does not justify breaking the rules and intentionally teamkilling them. For this I am regretful and sorry and will accept any punishment that is fit.

I also ask that something be done about BozZ-Rocket and BozZ-Freak's coercive behavior towards team vehicles. First-come first serve is the general consensus for players spawning in vehicles, so I find it unfair that I was immediately teamkilled just because I spawned in someone's chopper while they were waiting for a friend to be their gunner. They proceeded to monopolize the chopper this way almost 6 times in one game, and in one time where I spawned as gunner, the pilot (BozZ-Rocket) simply refused to fly and landed their chopper.

My complaint is more towards BozZ-Freak, as BozZ-Rocket was at worst a complicit bystander, but didn't try to teamkill me.


Staff member
-bZ- Member
BF4 Admin
First come first serve is definitely the policy for vehicles. Pilots refusing to fly vehicles when the gunner who spawned in is not 'their friend' can be grounds for team griefing punishments. Record these actions going forward and refrain from breaking the rules. Not sure what you want us to do with admissions of guilt, and lack of any videos of their actions.

Giving you one punish point, would like to see footage in regards to their actions. Thanks. Let us know if you have any additional questions.