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  • Only the thread starter and admins can reply to appeals/complaints.

Complaint Handled Complaint from PrZZZ about player Fakjuea & DevenTech


Who are you reporting? Fakjuea & DevenTech

Date of incident Feb 24, 2023

Which server were you on? bz1

Describe the incident Fakjuea stole my vehicle then tk me then made a false report in game
DevenTech for int tk dude detonated c4 while i was standing near by totally uncalled for
When you take a vehicle back or do not move one from the original spawn location, it allows others to spawn directly into it.
Simply saying "get out" may not be enough for someone to realize they stole the vehicle from you.
I should also remind you that forcing tks is against our rules.

For the second video, it appears he was trying to blow the oxygen tank up and you just so happened to be there at that moment.
These do not appear to be targeted incidents.