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  • Only the thread starter and admins can reply to appeals/complaints.

Complaint Handled Complaint from PuppetFoam about player rychu_pro

Who are you reporting? rychu_pro

Date of incident Nov 24, 2021

Which server were you on? # -bZ1.5- # HARDCORE VANILLA MAPS BANZORE.COM

Describe the incident This is like the 5th game where he has intentionally teamkilled me in the mobile AA. Apparently he "finds it entertaining when I don't get to play the way I want to". I know that I don't have footage, but maybe this: https://banzore.com/forums/threads/complaint-from-tusk2112-about-player-rychu_pro.10341/ will show you that he's definitely the type of person to do this as he's done it before and has been banned for it. As he plays a lot on 1.5, this has become really annoying.


Staff member
-bZ- Member
BF4 Admin
Footage would be required for action. Can't punish him off of previous evidence that was already settled. Reading through the chatlogs it does appear something happened, as you two began arguing back and forth. Unfortunately, he does not admit to doing it intentionally, and I have no context to go off of with the incident. Let us know if it continues in the future, and if you have video evidence.

Overall, his TK stats are quite good with less than 20 TK's per 1000 kills. A little above par when it comes to the average player, so it is not like he is killing teammates 24/7 or even every day.