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  • Only the thread starter and admins can reply to appeals/complaints.

Complaint Handled Complaint from Razz about player DeadmanWalken


Who are you reporting? DeadmanWalken

Date of incident Sep 13, 2023

Which server were you on? BZ1.5

Describe the incident Attacking uncap unprovoked. I did lock him but never shot. He did not get any kills but admitted to it in chat.



Also to add some context, I know the recording was not from my spawning in as I started it about 15 to 20 seconds after and never fired a shot as I had the stinger out right after I spawned. You can clearly see him attack the transport chopper as the others spawned in and never shot.
Unfortunately, this is not sufficient video evidence. You need to show from when you first spawn (spawn screen) to when the incident occurs.
You should also note that I cannot tell who is in the viper from this evidence. The gunner shoots after you first get a lock, if he had engaged you, he'd be within the rules. If you use equipment (lock) from within uncap, you are fair game.

It appears he saw the lock from you and went after the heli in front of you. Please provide more sufficient video evidence should this occur again.


I understand.

Lets keep in mind that the transport chopper has no lock capabilities, nor can anybody from with in it and that is what he attacked. Note that he did admit to being the shooter in later chat.

Thanks for reviewing.
In his preemptive ban appeal, he explained what his chatlogs meant. He could be lying. Regardless, I prefer video evidence that shows the player in question in clear violation of our ingame rules. I don't like playing the guessing game. You probably wouldn't like me playing the guessing game if you were the one being reported either.


It would have been better if he would have explained that he was the pilot and not the gunner instead of talking shit, then this report would not have been submitted.

Also to Deadman, I have hundreds of players kill me in all kinds of situations on the regular, don't feel that you're special to be able to make me "sour", I dont get sour I get motivated!