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Complaint from roadrunner about player 426roadrunner

In-game Name 426roadrunner

Date of incident Yesterday

What game were you playing? BF1

Which server were you on? unsure, it's an HC server

Describe the incident I've been in-game before on other servers with Uzi578 where other people were accusing him of hacking. (This was before spectator mode was added) though on that day, things didn't seem quite right. I understand that there arte (many) players better than me, and often people can seem WAY too good. I noticed the player said something about "seeing the videos he's posted". Today, I was able to spectate him for some time, and he seemed to ALWAYS know where the enemies are. I didn't notice any obvious 'aimbot' type of hits, but he ALWAYS knows where to find enemies, even when they are well-hidden. I did a little looking and found this video of his where it would seem like the first shot he wasn't even aiming at the enemy, yet he still got a headshot. He is also always at the top of leader-board. Again, I realize there are some VERY good players in the game, but to constantly be at the top is a little unheard of. If you watch him play, he doesn't seem to do anything that extraordinary, he just seems to always know where the enemies are. Here's a link tro the suspicious looking video. http://plays.tv/video/5854109a802b0d2067/hardcore-is-officially-broke-2-foot-heatshot-no-1-tap-black-screen-is-me-alt-f4ing Perhaps there is some lag involved in recording that makes the gun delay in real time, but looking at that vid, it looks like a pretty obvious 'snap-to' the headshot.