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Complaint Handled Complaint from Sgt.GoodGaming about player HappyZombie24 & PublicEnemyNro1


-bZ- Recruit

Who are you reporting? HappyZombie24 & PublicEnemyNro1

Date of incident Mar 27, 2025

Which server were you on? BZ1.5

Describe the incident Shooting into Uncap Unprovoked. Just spawned in base and already started taking hits. Video to follow shortly
Incidents occurred on the Siege of Shanghai during the same round, so figured to put both players into 1 report Unless preferred otherwise as separate reports.

More often than not they just don't care or aren't aware of the uncap rule. Plus to be fair they were on the verge of being able to freely shoot into your uncap, but technically couldn't due to not having full possession of all flags at the time.