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Complaint Handled Complaint from Sgt.GoodGaming about player SrCalangoLango


-bZ- Recruit

Who are you reporting? SrCalangoLango

Date of incident Feb 24, 2025

Which server were you on? BZ1.5

Describe the incident Unprovoked Attack on Uncap.

Literally just spawned in base and this guy a level 7 sniped me without me firing a single shot. a !Report was made in the server. He may be new to the Server and needs to be told to look over the rules. Will be posting video evidence soon as I'm done playing a few rounds
I do not know if on your end it shows when a person joined a server. I didn't hit start in time to capture the spawn menu screen. Again for someone who is level 7 and obviously new to the server, just want them to read over the rules that they shouldn't shoot into uncap if not provoked

I won't be taking action on this for 2 main reasons:
  1. You failed to provide prior context in the video showing what you were doing (missing spawn screen)
  2. The player acknowledged being unaware of the uncap rule in the chat at the time.

Also with this literally being the first report against the player in game, it's pointless to be real hard on them. No action will be taken at this time and this report will be noted for future reports if they come up.
I won't be taking action on this for 2 main reasons:
  1. You failed to provide prior context in the video showing what you were doing (missing spawn screen)
  2. The player acknowledged being unaware of the uncap rule in the chat at the time.

Also with this literally being the first report against the player in game, it's pointless to be real hard on them. No action will be taken at this time and this report will be noted for future reports if they come up.
I gotchu boss man, If I see them again I'll have them refer to the rules in server, if they don't understand I'll direct them to the discord or the Forums