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  • Only the thread starter and admins can reply to appeals/complaints.

Complaint Handled Complaint from shank0 about player [SWA]skipper737, Bloodhawk29, TheZamboni

Who are you reporting? [SWA]skipper737, Bloodhawk29, TheZamboni

Date of incident Feb 6, 2024

Which server were you on? BZ1

Describe the incident ~10:30P CT

On the spot invents some new rules about how I can't be in AA and be a squad leader at the same time. He/she/they/them gets upset and starts ramming me with Jeep for a few minutes, TKs me, and forces me to TK him while trying to back up - this is all in the clip. He fucked up my ability to use AA for about 10 mins. Special shoutout to xBlastFTPastx for being an insufferable cunt while I was getting griefed in the AA the entire map, and to skipper for inspiring me to learn video editing.

Bloodhawk29 & TheZamboni
TKing at the very beginning of round for some unknown reason at the end of this clip.



Staff member
-bZ- Member
BF4 Admin
[SWA]skipper737 - 3D TempBan.
TheZamboni - 1D TempBan.
Bloodhawk29 - 1D TempBan.