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Complaint Handled Complaint from SrOrgasmus about player Complaint from SrOrgasmus about player FluffMuffin94


Who are you reporting? Complaint from SrOrgasmus about player FluffMuffin94

Date of incident Oct 16, 2022

Which server were you on? bZ1

Describe the incident Fluff muffin misrepresenting situations and farming false incident reports.

Context: Normal gameplay on Server 1 was ensuing and players were fighting from rooftops, ledges, and any other suitable point on said map. Fluff muffin seems to have taken offense to the gameplay. Multiple players on his team were shooting out of the spawn at a point directly down the road from the spawn. he continually stood in the center of the fight, and wanted to report when a player would kill him, even if it was hard to identify targets while under fire, from his spawn.

it was known by the opposing team that fluff muffin would probably attempt this, so recordings were made with multiple people acknowledging this fact, and showcasing how he stood in the open, next to players that were shooting out of span, and made attempts to intentionally remain an easy target.

I even went as far as to explain the situation to ObiJuanQueHuevos, and he was confused as to why fluff would do this. upon understanding that this was a complaint farming tactic, he refrained from shooting into a spawn, even when just returning fire.

video proof:

while i understand the necessity for reporting players who break rules, fluffmuffin (in this instance) was intentionally placing himself in the open during firefights, and was attempting to farm reportable offenses. I believe that his actions were in bad faith.


Supplementary details:

this report is in response to a previous report < https://banzore.com/forums/threads/...dfly101-doctornarwhal-obijuanquehuevos.14078/ > .

as seen in the videos included in fluffmuffin's report, multiple players on fluffs team were fighting out of the uncap.
I have no defense for the tow from doctornarwhal, but you can see that (rTr)113-RAIDER was also killed, and didnt feel the need to insta-report and attempt to farm reports.
When reported, medfly was the first to apologize for the mistaken shooting. stating that he was very sorry.
As stated in fluffs own videos, he wanted to farm a couple of reports and decided to stand in the open. during the time of standing in the open, other people on the team continue to shoot out of spawn, and he/whelly 1997 aim down sights (ADS) towards the combatants of the fight. Easily interpreted as an aggressive movement during a time that other within a close proximity are actually shooting.

It is not that i seek to have fluff or whelly1997 punished or banned, but i wanted to point out foul play and manipulation of the report system from a person who typically is one of the most common names on the "reporting" side. At least a couple of reports on players per month. I think that anyone who takes an actual look at this whole situation could easily see that this was simply a matter of stubborness on the part of a slightly tilted player. I would recommend that we simply move on, and take this situation for what it is: a video game where occasionally people can get their feelings hurt because they get killed too much...
You do realize that fluff in this case, as he does on most maps, is waiting for the little bird to spawn.
The little bird spawns exactly where he was waiting.

Your squad, as well as others, were posted up on a building that overlooks E, yet felt the need to look into enemy uncap when not all the flags were captured by your team. For the clip that you provided that claims they shot out, please show me where. I don't see that they shoot out once.

For clarification, if an enemy shoots or uses equipment while in base you are allowed to return fire ONLY to that enemy. If there is someone near them who has not shot, you aren't allowed to start killing everyone.

If someone who is known for recording his matches is being pointed out that he is trying to catch rules breakers because players are actively breaking the rules, why on earth would you continue to break the rules? That makes no sense to me...

In this case, it is way easier to forgo uncap all together and focus on the main battle. It is not supposed to be easy for the enemy team to stick near uncap. You need to be very aware or you'll be breaking the rules.


Sorry for the lack of recording on my part, but i don't have much sample footage of actual firefights. I usually will take 30 second clips when something of interest actually occurs. The footage was more for the purpose of highlighting a tilted player attempting to farm report content. I realize that he was standing in that location for little bird spawn, but he also said, in his video, that he was doing it for getting reports bc "this map sucks anyways, so if i can get some reports in, I dont mind". His words stated in his own video. Luckily, I did not actually violate said rule, but rather recorded those who attempted to exploit it the reporting feature for personal validation. I dont want to violate rules, did not violate, and did not continue.... soo...

As you stated, players are permitted to return fire only to the people actively shooting at them. Plenty of LAV, infantry, and little bird fighting occurred in that corridor during this particular match. I was posted up and watching the E point, but when I am being shot at from the spawn, of course i will look to my left and return fire. No actual player would simply ignore it, and im going to assume that you would understand that.

You can see your own text in the last video, permitting the returned fire of those being shot from spawn. It does not take a genius to assume that someone aiming down sights with a green laser means to shoot, but like i said, the mistaken firing of non combatants was apologized for, and should be chalked up to mistake. Mistakes were made, people were "punished" for it, and we can all move on with our lives.

As I previously stated (and is known by a few other players), certain players on the server have a proclivity for taking offense, acting out, and overall find petty ways to attempt to take their frustrations out on others. The report that I referenced and the player can be seen to be an extension of this action. This report was simply an effort to highlight potential abuse/weaponization of the reporting system. Based on the traction the post has gotten, and the private messages from others confirming this kind of behaviour, I would say that my efforts were not in vain.

As stated previously, the visibility of this situation was my only intent, and i would not want to fluff to be punished by the server admin. However petty his reasons for his actions may be, they are his own, and i guess not against server rules. Thanks for the response!