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Complaint Handled Complaint from steelballs80 about player awill0928, killboFraggins0, Jdallenky

Who are you reporting? awill0928, killboFraggins0, Jdallenky

Date of incident Jul 29, 2023

Which server were you on? BZ1-5

Describe the incident yougottoast and I were c4'd and killed in our tank by awill while capturing a flag. he then proceeded to grief us ramming his jeep into us non stop and laying c4 on our tank for 30 min strait. then awill , killbo and jdallenky were chasing us around trying to induce tk. at one point i spawned at base in a tank and instantly tk'd 2 of them as they were laying under the tank without me knowing they were there again trying to induce tk. i was kicked from server without firing a shot on any of them and the three proceeded to grief yougottoast and myself for the next 1.5 hr. awill would let his buddys on the opposite team lay c4 on his jeep and tk us that way over and over. sry i dont record but yougottoast, crosseyedpilot and dewman were on our squad recording