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Complaint Handled Complaint from Stirum about player TheCabal_isREAL and 10acimport

Who are you reporting? TheCabal_isREAL and 10acimport

Date of incident Mar 25, 2025

Which server were you on? # -bZ1- # HARDCORE ALL MAPS BANZORE.COM

Describe the incident I'm farming in the boat dropping 50 plus kills using TV's cause they can reach everything from where im sitting outside of D and these two idiots think im wasting it even though i kill there boat, aa , jets , lil bird etc nothing allowed to move but yet they keep team killing me and my friend in the lav next to me. both have killed me about 3 or 4 times each they keep taking turns and im too lazy to provide more than one clip of proof lol
Not sure where 10acimport comes into play with this clip provided...

TheCabal_isREAL did receive an automatic language filter ban, and that will now be extended to a 3 day temp ban for the team griefing.