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  • Only the thread starter and admins can reply to appeals/complaints.

Complaint Handled Complaint from Taste_The_UCAV about player [USMC] destructionsquad & atomicpulse

Who are you reporting? [USMC] destructionsquad & atomicpulse

Date of incident Nov 23, 2021

Which server were you on? BZ #12

Describe the incident Team griefing with C4 and MAV



Staff member
-bZ- Member
BF4 Admin
3D temp ban for destructionsquad. Not finding any proof atomicpulse was working with destruction, but he definitely benefited from the other's actions. Not seeing anything that would indicate that they are friends / planned it in chat. With that many mortards, I would expect a MAV to be out anyways. ;-)

As always, let us know if it continues. Thanks for the footage.