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Complaint Handled Complaint from TerribleFile about player HyperKlood

Who are you reporting? HyperKlood

Date of incident Jan 18, 2025

Which server were you on? BZ1 - Flood Zone

Describe the incident Multiple TK's from Hyper. He was on the enemy team with Thermal lav behind the little trucks that you cant really tell are there until you get kinda close. I get on spawn ramp using Reactive Armor, and immediately get a lower panel mobi shot from him, so i die. I swap to thermal lav, and start killing him everytime, so i start talking a little bit of shit. He swaps to my team and C4's me from what I believe was the Heli. (First Video). He then gets in the lav again after the first tk. He tries to TOW me but I catch it so he moves it away last second. In the same video, you'll see him pull up on the other side of the bridge and act like a normal friendly tank, but when I get mobied by a LAV below, he goes behind me and tows me. You can see this in the last few seconds of the second clip.

TK#1 https://youtu.be/mdC9Mj5HodM
TK Attempt #2 & 3 https://youtu.be/mdC9Mj5HodM
He has a prior record of rule violations and multiple in game reports against him for teamkilling. 1 day temp ban has been issued.