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Complaint from TheFiddlesworth about player Elshooter909

In-game Name Elshooter909

Date of incident Mar 3, 2017

What game were you playing? Battlefield 4

Which server were you on? HC Metro/Lockers/Pearl Market

Describe the incident Coming out of RU spawn, ElShooter TK's me, so I TK him back because he didn't say sorry or anything and it was quite premeditated (from my view at least). He rages on me and tried to report me for intentional TK'ing. I have a recording of the event if needed.


-bZ- Member
Thanks for posting. in the future plz refrain from responding in kind when being tk'd let us know by filing a report in game using "!report name reason" minus the " marks. see you in game.


-bZ- Member
not really, we try and let everyone have at it but if u feel its over the top plz report him and we will have someone specing asap.