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Complaint Handled Complaint from Thekiller7897 about player Lady_Profaned

Who are you reporting? Lady_Profaned

Date of incident Jan 18, 2025

Which server were you on? BZ6

Describe the incident Lady_Profaned continued to camp spawn killing jets as they spawn multiple times.

Here is one video where he was not lined up yet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=waA5l4rGvFM
I will not be acting on this for a few reasons:
  1. Missing audio in the first video which provides important audio queues that lead to a more distinct decision.
  2. You actively engaged in combat when deploying countermeasures in the first video.
  3. You attempted to lock onto the target to force an engagement in the first video.
With your second video, you can't even determine if the player that Lady_Profaned was attacking even shot and was considered fair game.

In the future, I would recommend not even engaging someone who is attacking uncap. That includes not using countermeasures, no locking on, no shooting. Just let the uncap kill play itself out and record it from your perspective of it happening to you.

I find it difficult to justify punishing Lady_Profaned due to the poor quality evidence and the circumstances of the situation that took place in the videos. They have a prior record of this type of behavior and this incident is without a doubt concerning, but I just can't act on it this time. If anything, this incident will be noted for future reports against Lady_Profaned.