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  • Only the thread starter and admins can reply to appeals/complaints.

Complaint Handled Complaint from Tommy Finle about player Realchow

Who are you reporting? Realchow

Date of incident Mar 1, 2023

Which server were you on? bz1

Describe the incident Playing infantry on Golmud Railway, I very rarely play bz1 but have noted getting teamkilled by Realchow an unsusual amount, I wasn't going to upload this but I noticed on the very next round (Operation Locker) I was getting teamkilled again and so were other people (hence this report: https://banzore.com/forums/threads/complaint-from-bfguy-about-player-realchow.15343/)

Unfortunately I do not have footage of the teamkilling on locker but I do have one of Golmud.

- https://streamable.com/u6ndfo

Ignore the music lmao