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Complaint Handled Complaint from ToxYukiri about player liconboi

Who are you reporting? liconboi

Date of incident Jan 15, 2025

Which server were you on? bz1

Describe the incident int tk, out of nowhere started shooting me in the first clip and i was mid fight with a damn jet so i tked him so i wouldnt lose, he came back for more and finished the job.
(videos may be in backwards order)
Liconboi has been punish.

You have also received a punish point for the intentional teamkilling as well. You can't take matters in your own hands like that as it can provoke things even further. Just record and report.
You both were in the wrong. Doesn't justify teamkilling him even if he's griefing you. They'd also be in the right to go ahead and report you for the teamkilling if they chose to. You basically did the other player a favor and self snitched on yourself for the rule violation.