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Complaint Handled Complaint from vk4wjmfmcqcb about player JackxMehof

Who are you reporting? JackxMehof

Date of incident Jun 4, 2024

Which server were you on? # -bZ4- # 60HZ LOCKER 24/7

Describe the incident Homophobic slurs, not sure if its against rules but I thought I'd report. Guy used the same slur dozens of times.

I Read this thread banzore.com/forums/threads/change-to-rule-2-for-the-banzore-battlefield-4-servers-old.5633/ and I think the use of the full "f" word repeatedly is a no-no but again, I'm not sure. different from calling someone a "tankfag" once. Anyway the image isn't 100% clear but yadada I thought I would report regardless, thanks. I'll get more pics and clearer ones next time.

and on pride month, no less xD

PIC: https://imagebin.ca/v/84IKkEJO0KbT