Got banned on BF4 server for talking shit to admin about a known hacker

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This pertains to the Metro/Locker server Banzore runs.

I can't remember the sorry-ass admin's name off the top of my head, but I got banned for talking shit about mat9ball, who is an obvious known hacker, along with HungGigolo69 and CommanderShep, etc., you know who I'm talking about.  So this sorry-ass admin kept talking shit and of course, being an adult, not being afraid to talk shit back, banned me for hurting his little feelings.  Just because he has the power to.  Is that the American way?  Is that how shit's ran?  Just duck and run?

My name is alsax1985 on Origin.  I request an Unban and this cocksucker de-adminned.

Let this be known, the Banzore BF4 server is one of the most notorious servers for hacking in all of BF4.  If you want to protect hackers, go for it.  I don't care if I'm banned, there are thousands of other BF4 servers to play on.  Take solace in the fact losers like mat9ball and CommanderShep are around ruining others' experience.  The ONLY people who defend him are people who purposely team up with him to win games for their precious little 14-year-old KDR, kids who haven't grown up and realize there's more to life than just winning a game.

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Tell us how you REALLY feel! 

All kidding aside, we'll handle this internally.  We don't protect hackers.  We just don't bad everyone accused of hacking.  If you're witnessing some odd behaviors and not getting help from an admin in the servers, get on TS and hop in a populated channel.  There's typically always at least 1 senior admin online at any given hour of the day.  Or, take matters into your own hands and record some video then post it on our forums. 

On a side note, I'm not sure where you read that malicious shit talking is an adult oriented activity.  I'd beg to differ.  That's like calling the drunk frat boy in a bar trying to fight everyone else an "adult".  We partake in friendly, somewhat aggressive shit talking, but maintain a certain level of respect.  Because we are, in fact, adults.

Yeah, I'm going to go ahead and leave your ban in place until we hear from the admin that banned you, because you sound like a total douche. 

I'm not sure what planet you're from, but I would suggest NOT going into somebody's house and telling them "how it is". You just look like an idiot, and automatically earn the disrespect of everybody in that house.

I don't know you, don't know the situation, and don't really care, but I do know that I could care less if you come or go.

Fix your attitude or get the fuck out.
You requested to be banned, all you were doing was trolling in there had no intentions of playing just talking shit and trolling. Which whatever but then you told me to ban you and I was more than willing to help you out with that request.  I am sorry that you do not like those 2 people because they are better than you but you just cant go around saying that they are banned or we banned them or ea banned because you....are not good at the game? Talk shit as you will, however I had to go into the server because of you, you were causing a ruckus. And then you started a ruckus with me and other admins. As in "alsax1985 to all: Police your mom, cocksucker". and very very much more. I am sorry that you think that you own the server and can run it as you see fit but you don't, you don't pay for it, don't do shit but troll. 

As cr8z said, unfuck yourself, and then you will be unbanned.
Hi Dickbutt,

Take your own advice and realize it is just a game.

Now go fuck yourself in your 12 year old puckered brown ass. Thanks.


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I'm going to go ahead and lock this thread. Feel free to PM me if you have any more questions.
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