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  • Only the thread starter and admins can reply to appeals/complaints.


This recruit of yours is being a real ass hat.

On the BF4 Metro/Lockers server he was TK'ing at map start each round. And then chat spamming and threatening to use his server admin powers

Now I've been playing BF a long long time and know I'm a certain dick at many times, but:

-This guy is wearing your tags

-In your server

-Being an unprovoked TK whore

-Chat SPAM'ing all round long

-Flagrant and continuously violating the #1 don't be a dick rule

-And threatening players (not just me) with his server admin powers

Just check the server logs


Bald fat guy.
-bZ- Member
Thanks for coming by and letting us know. To your points:

He's not a member.

He has NO admin power.

He IS an asshat.

I believe everything you say.

We are dealing with it.

Thanks again for stopping by. Sorry it had to be for something negative.