Mute appeal :/

Whats up everybody

10 minutes ago i was muted on BZ 1.5, im not so smart and reported a racist that called us "Macaco" what is the equivalent to the N word in Brazil, but i typed the word while reporting lol

i dont know if the mute is temporary or not,

Can somebody remove this pls? :)

My nick: MuRiLo_GuEdA
Macaco is not that bad man, that came from a video where brazileans were eating monkey soup unlike the N word that came from caribbean slavery business where Negros (blacks in spanish) were sold as objects by white supremacists slavers
I didn't say it's good or bad, I just meant that someone who clearly doesn't know what they're talking about trying to act knowledgeable doesn't make sense.

Cool. In any case around here "macaco" doesn't really mean anything to us. It's not our problem.

Just like our problems in the US mean very little to you. And we don't go out of our way to get on Brazilian servers and tell you that you can't have preto/preta things because that might be offensive to some group of people in the US who don't even speak your language.

Seriously, if I ever find myself in Brazil again I will definitely not use that word. Thanks for the information! ;)

That said, I will still reserve the right to tell someone to vai-te fode or vai para a puta que pariu.

LOL this whole thing about whether I did or didn’t report someone for being racist is pretty funny

If I got it right, it’s not exactly welcome to call out racism to foreigners on BZ servers or correct someone trying to downplay a racist act? I’ll take note of that.

Read my post, I just made a report and ended up getting muted, plus I corrected someone who was trying to downplay racism/xenophobia against foreigners hahaha.

btw, using a winking emoji to show your supposed superiority is hilarious and a little bit VIADO PRA CARALHO, COISA DE RACISTA DE MERDA QUE GOSTA DE DAR O CUZINHO, KKK FILHO DA PUTA, (Don’t even try to understand what it means since don’t speak our language so you can’t be offended, right?)
btw, using a winking emoji to show your supposed superiority is hilarious and a little bit VIADO PRA CARALHO, COISA DE RACISTA DE MERDA QUE GOSTA DE DAR O CUZINHO, KKK FILHO DA PUTA, (Don’t even try to understand what it means since don’t speak our language so you can’t be offended, right?)

Exactly my point. ;)
This is just getting out of hand at this point.

We are not going to punish on the use of the word Macaco just because it is used as a racial slur in Portuguese speaking countries. It literally means monkey or ape in Portuguese. While it may be used as a way to racially associate someone, calling someone a monkey is just silly and doesn't warrant us punishing everyone for it.

If you're going to the extent of showing aggressive toxicity and racism in the chat, especially in a foreign language to attempt to cover your tracks thinking you're safe, then yes we'll take action as we see fit.

With that being said, the above statement also applies to the forums and that behavior will not be tolerated. We can always translate the language being spoken to understand what is being said.
"Vai-te foder" or "vai para a puta que pariu" are also aggressive and toxic phrases. Since they came from a Bz member, I didn’t think using such words would be a problem.

I repeat, the reason I created this post was to request the removal of my mute. I imagine there are hundreds of reports monthly, and I honestly didn’t expect anything to be done about it.

The whole argument about "It's not something to be punished for" wasn’t brought up by me,

Sorry if I went too far with my words
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