Popular Ban Appeal Excuses


-bZ- Member
Over the years of reading the ban appeals I have noticed that there's a few of them that come up rather frequently and I figured it was time to start a list for easy reference for those folks who have trouble coming up with a decent reason why they can't abide the few simple rules on BZ:

1. My little brother did it.
2. My stoner friend did it when he borrowed my computer.
3. I was stoned when I did it.
4. I'm not really a racist and I was just kidding.
5. I had no idea that (redacted) was a banned word despite the numerous times I got killed in game for using it.
6. I had to TK the other player because he was doing/not doing something I did/didn't want him/her to do.
7. My Battlefield account was hacked by a nefarious haxxer from Russia/China/etc. who used their epic haxxing skilz to make me look bad online as opposed to stealing money from old people like they usually do.

From @-bZ-CrossEyedPilot comes this gem:

8. I didn't know glitching was bannable i've been playing this game for 10 years and always use this glitch.

Anyone else know of any lame excuses for ban appeals? Feel free to post them!
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That seems to cover all of the excuses I can think of. My favorite ones aren't excuses but are the ones where the appealing person is so indignant, disrespectful, and committed to their too-edgy-for-you "humor" that they can't take a moment to admit their mistake and demonstrate even an ounce of contrition. This of course leads to them remaining banned which then often leads to them throwing a hissy fit like a 5 year old who doesn't like their bedtime.
That seems to cover all of the excuses I can think of. My favorite ones aren't excuses but are the ones where the appealing person is so indignant, disrespectful, and committed to their too-edgy-for-you "humor" that they can't take a moment to admit their mistake and demonstrate even an ounce of contrition. This of course leads to them remaining banned which then often leads to them throwing a hissy fit like a 5 year old who doesn't like their bedtime.
Ah yes... the good ol' "Appeal Denied" followed by the "fuck you too faggot" LMAO
That seems to cover all of the excuses I can think of. My favorite ones aren't excuses but are the ones where the appealing person is so indignant, disrespectful, and committed to their too-edgy-for-you "humor" that they can't take a moment to admit their mistake and demonstrate even an ounce of contrition. This of course leads to them remaining banned which then often leads to them throwing a hissy fit like a 5 year old who doesn't like their bedtime.
I’ll admit to my too edgy “sins”, and I am a new man. Can I get unbanned?