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Shoutout to the regulars

I know sometimes it's nice enjoying giving a good spanking, nobody can deny that. I was just hoping some more of the regulars who make a difference in team balance would use !assist a little more often when teams are stacked. We all play here because it's one of the few good BF4 communities left. But, we all suffer when there's a lot of games 800+ tickets left on the winning team and the losing team runs through a lot of people getting frustrated they can't do anything against a couple pro squads dominating the server and quitting. If you consider yourself one of the better players, give yourself some more challenge and assist the weak team more! What else do you have left to do in this ancient game??
I insist, as regulars we got to !assist everytime we see tickets going down, 500-800 is the last chance to assist the losing team, sometimes theres no comeback but comes with the game
We’re just a few
I know sometimes it's nice enjoying giving a good spanking, nobody can deny that. I was just hoping some more of the regulars who make a difference in team balance would use !assist a little more often when teams are stacked. We all play here because it's one of the few good BF4 communities left. But, we all suffer when there's a lot of games 800+ tickets left on the winning team and the losing team runs through a lot of people getting frustrated they can't do anything against a couple pro squads dominating the server and quitting. If you consider yourself one of the better players, give yourself some more challenge and assist the weak team more! What else do you have left to do in this ancient game??
I ain’t gonna assist if the enemy team has literally no hope of capping more than 1 obj and doesn’t use chat/comms to work together. 4 or 5 good regulars can’t save a team of 27-28 dog shit campers that just won’t move or focus on killing vehicles/ capping points
IDK man, I've assisted the team on the verge of being crushed and completely turned the match around a few times. I know I'm not the only one.
I did this more often on bf3 than bf4. Bf3 gives the individual player more options and power with perks,load out, vehicles, etc. so it only takes a few people in the right places to dominate a match. BF4 adds more team based mechanics and nerfs the ability to lone wolf (mostly in vehicles) with the goal of encouraging teamwork. So playing kit and supporting teammates is required to win. However if none of your teammates work together, don’t use team gadgets, and just generally don’t give a shit at all then it’s a pointless effort. So it’s harder for a handful of no lifer old head vets to turn the game around
Yeah darksquarebishop and I were on bz1 earlier and both games (I had worked a 12 hr shift so I was tired). We assisted the other team when one was dominating. It was actually pretty fun - came back on one game from 800-300 and won. Lost the other game near the end, but I'll definitely be assisting more in the future for sure. There were only like 25 ppl on at the time so not killing the server was a main goal. Shout out to swabajockey if you see this good gunning man.
I will assist if I notice that the losing team is actually trying. The bigger problem today, with lack of good, solid games, is more one team is just dog shit and could care less about getting flags. Those teams I want no part of. I joined a conquest server. Im here to play conquest. If you have no interest in playing objective, I dont get why you play conquest? It drives me up a wall, lol. My theory is most of these dog shit players are deathmatch failures and cant live that long. With conquest they can live longer, mostly by hiding in uncap and stupid shit like that. But ... seriously, i'm not helping a dog shit, who gives a fuck kind of team. And yes, using the word team to describe this is very wrong. I get accused of being a team switcher to be on a winning team. While its true I do, I don't do it because of the win or loss. Its because of what I have described here. I have stayed on plently of loser teams, that were actually trying. Again, if your not trying to win, fuck it, i'll try to team switch if i can.