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Solving the [DS] issue

So it was brought to my attention last night that quite a few of the regulars on the metro server are not happy that Myself and a few other DS members pub there regularly.  I myself love playing on the server and would rather not be banned due to people not being able to handle an influx of skilled players.

I am trying to find a solution within the community to solve this issue.  I understand that one MAJOR problem is the server autobalancer keeps our squad on the RU side almost always.  I know myself and razor both try to switch teams when WE CAN, to support a team that is getting "their shit pushed in".  However, we can only manually switch teams about once every 4 to 5 rounds due to time clauses built into the game.  "You can not switch teams.  Too close to previous team switch".

One option I have come up with is give me, razor, gorilla, glad master (the most common DS players on the server) the option to force move ourselves.  

Another option is to allow a certain number of us in squad. maybe 3?  WE are friends and enjoys squaring up and would rather not do this but if its the only way to keep it balanced then its what we have to do.  

I am open to options that do not include BANNING us.  This is unfair to us as players, and to the admins.  The players that are pushing for us to be out right banned should be ashamed of themselves for making us try to change our play styles and for making the admins try to determine whats best for the server.  Better talent on the server or happy noobs?  


-bZ- Member
If you guys are already switching teams I don't see what the issue is. It isn't easy to do with three or more people however, especially without an admin moving you guys.

Might be best to split up and have half and half if you have a decent number of clan mates playing.

Essentially the best option is to let the game automatically assign you to a team when you join. If you join off of someone then it is pretty easy to stack a side with clan mates, creating an issue where the server will empty out due to the other team getting annoyed not being able to win. That is a legitimate issue, but not one I see being ban worthy unless the squads happen everytime and the team stacking is consistent.

At the same time, it isn't against the rules to play as a squad. If players are stacked in a way that it is emptying the server, then scrambling should happen.

Scrambling automatically happens at the end of each round, but if an admin is on then teams can be scrambled manually a second or third time and that will typically fix the issue.
We do join off each other usually so battlefield auto balances us into the same team, squad.

Another issue that we kind of tested last night was the hackusations. As soon as the antagonists left the server there was almost no complaints or things said publicly in the server. Admins I hope are aware of the antagonists because I don't want to name names unless that is something that's called for.

I may be speaking just for myself but I hate base raping. It's bad for my score, kills per minute and ratio as it forces us to rush the uncap and die in I revivable areas of the map.

I truly believe that the issue can be solved solely on getting the antagonist hackusations to stop. That with a little help from us to try to anti stack the teams should resolve any issues. We can also try to not rushing so hard the first few minutes of rounds-


-bZ- Member
Hacking accusations are investigated by spectating. If no obvious cheating is detected, no ban will be enforced. Admins post videos of witnessed suspicious behavior for other admins to review prior to executing the ban unless the actions are blatantly obvious. Being skilled isn't a bannable offense.

I don't play on the Metro server often, and I'm not keen on the strategies involved. I can say that you don't need to be concerned about being banned unless you are indeed cheating.
Cheating is not the issue.  It's that regular lubbers are convinced that we are and complaining enough that server admins have requested a solution.  So, I am reaching out to the community for solutions or suggestions


Bald fat guy.
-bZ- Member
In this case, cheating is not the issue, but emptying out the server is. We have certainly banned individuals from our server in the past for emptying out the server, either because they were "too good", or simply had a personality that made people leave.

You guys seem like reasonable individuals, and I'm sure that you would not want to empty out our server, as then you would have one less place to play.

I would suggest taking it upon yourselves to interact with the community in a positive manner. Avoid defensive language in the server. Invite the "hackusators" (new word?) to your squad to watch and learn. Don't join off of each other using the squad deploy button; join the server individually to increase randomness.

Feel free to join our TS and ask an admin that may not be in game to scramble the teams or force switch one of you, if that is a problem.

We don't want you to not have fun, but we also don't want our server getting emptied out for the sake of fairness. 

I'm sure we all have the same goals.
We have tried to not talk as much shit back to them for one.  A few of us also have made attempts at anti stacking the teams.  A few loud mouths still remain (harrynutz) but overall the passed few days have not been as critical in the in game chat.   A few of us have also been in the server TS to try to interact more with the direct community.  Few regulars though join the teamspeak.


-bZ- Member
Cool. I'm in agreement with Cr8z that this is the best solution. We never want to kick, ban, or moderate unless absolutely necessary. Sucks that shit got so twisted, but it'd benefit everyone to do some sort of image management. Instead of "we're simply better because you're all retarded bitches", try "join us on T'S and try to squad up and learn."

I'm sure you'll get alot of folks still bitching, but reciprocating is much easier than taking the high road.

Just my 2 cents.
We have tried to not talk as much shit back to them for one.  A few of us also have made attempts at anti stacking the teams.  A few loud mouths still remain (harrynutz) but overall the passed few days have not been as critical in the in game chat.   A few of us have also been in the server TS to try to interact more with the direct community.  Few regulars though join the teamspeak.
I don't normally hide my chat box just for the reason of people calling out areas of which enemies are located, but every so often I try and defuse situations when people are angry. Sometimes I get defensive at times depending on my mood at the time, but for the most part on bZ servers, I try and stay as friendly as possible. 

The teamwork in bZ is by far the greatest experience I have had so far, and I might, just might leave M4D to join you guys. I never usually have "fun" playing this game by myself since it's annoying without any good team play.
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