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Someone Mad at me LOOOL

Well GROUCH is angry at me and is looking for any reason to get me banned lol. Guess we have to wait for kosh to come here and say we were just messing around. And yes kosh and i mess around all the time and tk each other. angry grouch looking for anything loooool.
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Griefing is still griefing, regardless of who’s involved—it’s against the rules. The issue is that while you might be just messing with Kosh, other players might see this and think it's acceptable behavior, leading to more and more people doing it frequently.
So if we see people fist fighting in the street should we fist fight everyone because its an acceptable behavior?

We are friends and friends like to mess around with, by that video out of context panties would be the only one who will get ban and i told grouch to upload the whole video.

I dont care about get ban, this is a dying server and the only thing that this guy is doing is killing the whole battlefield community.

Some people likes to stack teams under the premise of “i like to play with my friends wah wah” but theres a difference between that and what i do with panties, what is it? Its a game between us and no one else than us is affected, we’re not killing the server, we’re not pissing someone else, we’re not griefing our team assets.

I’m okay with whatever our admins would do, but i know context it’s important in every way.
Jesus fucking Christ. The amount of inane drama you people generate over nothing is astonishing. Stop reporting people unless they are doing something really bad like cheating, being overtly racist/bypassing the filter, or griefing in a substantive and meaningful manner. This "incident" ( I don't even want to call it that because it is nothing ) in particular is the stupidest, most asinine report I have ever seen.

Grouch, I like you I really do but you need to stop with these petty, insipient reports, especially when they are on server regulars, and so does everyone else who feels inclined to make them. While no one here should be immune to the rules or subject to alternative interpretations of them there does need to be an understanding that while it is the casuals and blueberries who populate the servers it is the regulars who often seed the servers in the first place and enable the blueberries to even play on them instead of joining an empty or nearly-empty server and instantly dipping out. Driving these regular players away will kill this game even faster than ignoring some silly horse play in the vague belief that this kind of inconsistent and generally harmless behavior will somehow encourage acts of substantial griefing by others.

Furthermore while the blueberries are generally morons in gameplay they are still people with at least some of their mental faculties intact. Instead of instantly recording and reporting them for single and sporadic occurrences of rule-breaking it should be in all of our best interests to first attempt to talk with and reason with them so that we can educate them about how and why their actions are prohibited. I've been teamkilled intentionally by numerous people and while it's irritating every time it happens ( unless its in a case like this one with Kosh where it's just two buddies joking around ) I will first try to tell them to not do that before I even consider reporting them.

This fucking hall monitor bullshit is just so stupid. Everyone here needs to stop running to the teacher and telling them that Billy stepped out of line twice on the way to gym class! Also, Grouch, why were you even spectating in the first place? Were you suspecting someone of cheating? If you were then why were you bothering to spectate Kosh and Panties? If you were just watching the game to shoot the breeze then why even bother reporting something like this in the first place? If you were spectating solely to try to catch someone in a single, tiny instance of rule-breaking then you really ought to reevaluate what you do in your spare time.
I'd like us all to move past our disagreements and start fresh to revitalize our community. Reporting people for messing around or griefing is problematic, especially for regulars, as it creates a contradictory situation.

We need to come together, as the game is struggling whether we want to admit it or not. Many of us have played together or know each other from the early days, like I have since the Battlefield 1942 beta, back when I couldn't afford the full game.

As a community, we need to support each other and keep the game alive rather than squabbling. Let's remind new players of the rules if they're uncertain, avoid excessive tattling, and focus on having fun with our friends. Can we, as adults, actually come together, or is that too much to ask?


-bZ- Member
We are friends and friends like to mess around with, by that video out of context panties would be the only one who will get ban and i told grouch to upload the whole video.

Kosh, is it really too much to ask you two queers to get on opposite teams before you fuck with each other?

Problem solved if you do that. ;)

By the way, when's the baby due? My wife is knitting a baby blanket for you.
Jesus fucking Christ. The amount of inane drama you people generate over nothing is astonishing. Stop reporting people unless they are doing something really bad like cheating, being overtly racist/bypassing the filter, or griefing in a substantive and meaningful manner. This "incident" ( I don't even want to call it that because it is nothing ) in particular is the stupidest, most asinine report I have ever seen.

Grouch, I like you I really do but you need to stop with these petty, insipient reports, especially when they are on server regulars, and so does everyone else who feels inclined to make them. While no one here should be immune to the rules or subject to alternative interpretations of them there does need to be an understanding that while it is the casuals and blueberries who populate the servers it is the regulars who often seed the servers in the first place and enable the blueberries to even play on them instead of joining an empty or nearly-empty server and instantly dipping out. Driving these regular players away will kill this game even faster than ignoring some silly horse play in the vague belief that this kind of inconsistent and generally harmless behavior will somehow encourage acts of substantial griefing by others.

Furthermore while the blueberries are generally morons in gameplay they are still people with at least some of their mental faculties intact. Instead of instantly recording and reporting them for single and sporadic occurrences of rule-breaking it should be in all of our best interests to first attempt to talk with and reason with them so that we can educate them about how and why their actions are prohibited. I've been teamkilled intentionally by numerous people and while it's irritating every time it happens ( unless its in a case like this one with Kosh where it's just two buddies joking around ) I will first try to tell them to not do that before I even consider reporting them.

This fucking hall monitor bullshit is just so stupid. Everyone here needs to stop running to the teacher and telling them that Billy stepped out of line twice on the way to gym class! Also, Grouch, why were you even spectating in the first place? Were you suspecting someone of cheating? If you were then why were you bothering to spectate Kosh and Panties? If you were just watching the game to shoot the breeze then why even bother reporting something like this in the first place? If you were spectating solely to try to catch someone in a single, tiny instance of rule-breaking then you really ought to reevaluate what you do in your spare time.


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40mm enthusiast
Staff member
-bZ- Member
BF4 Admin
Duuuuuuude that nut is only about a 2hr drive from me. I’ve always wanted a selfie in front of it’d thanks for reminding me I need to do that.


-bZ- Member
Constant rule violator,
Petty ass reports,
Globally bans players better than him without providing (convincing or indisputable) evidence to the public,
Mafia member ^ ,

You guessed who it is yet?

Must be hard to be this small in a big world

It looks like someone is mad and will post any evidence after this to get me banned, lol. He cropped the clip to make it look like I was just TKing. What else is this guy doing? He crops videos to make it look like I'm the only one, right? HOW IS THIS GUY BF4DB ADMIN AND JUST REPORTED ME FOR HAVING FUN? Also, this clip is older than he said. It's " Atelast 2 weeks old," says Kosh, but I'm pretty sure it's a month old. Future ban videos for hacking should require 1 minute before and 1 minute after.


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It looks like someone is mad and will post any evidence after this to get me banned, lol. He cropped the clip to make it look like I was just TKing. What else is this guy doing? He crops videos to make it look like I'm the only one, right? HOW IS THIS GUY BF4DB ADMIN AND JUST REPORTED ME FOR HAVING FUN? Also, this clip is older than he said. It's " Atelast 2 weeks old," says Kosh, but I'm pretty sure it's a month old. Future ban videos for hacking should require 1 minute before and 1 minute after.
Who said anything about hacking?