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Strange occurrence.

So, thunder killed me... no problem. I went back and killed thunder and it showed him as a red enemy on the kill feed, but a message popped up showing that I TK'd him.

Spawned in uncap and ubiquitous was there and killed me in uncap, but I don't know if I showed up as an enemy to him or not?

I don't know, it was just a strange situation all around, just wondering if anyone else experienced anything like this lately?

Ugh, this has happened to me before. What probably happened after you killed thunder, was that he was switched to your team. Sometimes, this causes the system to identify a kill as a tk when it autobalances someone.
As for Ubi killing you, it looks like he parachuted into your base and tried to steal your vehicle. Maybe he was shot down and bailed out. Either way, he is not supposed to kill anyone while stealing a vehicle in enemy spawn (the rules). I could be wrong, but that is what it looks like.
Edit: yea. I rewatched it and he definitely stole a vehicle from spawn, which is why he blew up: the timer ran out. He definitely broke a rule there lol
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How long have you played this game, Covert? You're just now noticing the autobalance TK? Happens to me semi-regularly. I have never actually tested to see if it actually counts as a team kill or if it just says that it does. I'm not keen to go killing 4 of my team mates to see if it kicks me.

Second is definitely Ubi stealing a vehicle. Technically a rule violation but I think he got his punishment by blowing up a second later lol.
How long have you played this game, Covert? You're just now noticing the autobalance TK? Happens to me semi-regularly. I have never actually tested to see if it actually counts as a team kill or if it just says that it does. I'm not keen to go killing 4 of my team mates to see if it kicks me.

Second is definitely Ubi stealing a vehicle. Technically a rule violation but I think he got his punishment by blowing up a second later lol.
Jeez dude, it doesn't happen often and not regularly. It's possible it's never happened to him, so ya don't have to be condescending about it.

Also, him blowing up is not a "punishment". He killed in spawn and he was blowing up no matter. But whatever.
I've seen it a couple of times, but it was under hazy circumstances and it was never as clear as this time in the video. That compiled with what happened in uncap with ubi, I didn't know if he experienced the same thing and I got switched or he did or if there was something else going on. It was all a bit strange.
I've only had this happen to me two times.. It's definitely a WTF moment when you're like " I swear I killed the enemy"... then you see him on the other team. I am curious if it does count as a tk or a kill?
I've only had this happen to me two times.. It's definitely a WTF moment when you're like " I swear I killed the enemy"... then you see him on the other team. I am curious if it does count as a tk or a kill?
From what I've seen, it definitely counts as a kill, but I don't know if it actually registers as a tk as well.
Jeez dude, it doesn't happen often and not regularly. It's possible it's never happened to him, so ya don't have to be condescending about it.

Also, him blowing up is not a "punishment". He killed in spawn and he was blowing up no matter. But whatever.
There was only a little bit of condescension. It happens somewhat regularly to me on bz2 but in the 10+ years I have been playing this game it's happened often enough to be instantly recognizable to me.

The punishment comment was a joke. I know he blew up because he was out of bounds.


-bZ- Member
This happens to me regularly when those kill get balanced after death. Idk if it is related to my higher ping. Usually happens 1-3 times per round