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Swag & Panda

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I heard Panda and Swag quit. I must say that is really bad/sad news but I can understand. You guys put in a lot of work and without quality admins I can't imagine the server being able to survive. This was the only server I donated to because of how well run it was. While I hope you change your mind I suspect that is not likely. Thanks for all the work you put into it. Pretty thankless job considering the time commitment with little return. Fuck, I would vote for you guys getting some compensation if that's what it would take.

Same here I messaged swag and panda personally. Those 2 guys are awesome and its gonna be a drag not arguing with panda lol.
They where very cool and always made time to help the community. I Hope the other admins can fill there shoes, but i don't see that happening at swag and panda where professional but very helpful whenever you needed it.
I used to like you but you've been nothing but a wet blanket for a while now. You complain about the petty actions of the administrators and yet it seems to me that you're being just as petty.
Naw. Things have simmered down it seems. Panda was even in game and discord the other day and we were able to play and communicate just fine. His 'tism levels were low. It's when stuff outside of the game gets brought in and double standards and hypocrisy gets fed that tends to flood everything. I can play and get along with anyone. I don't like Fuss, Panda, or Swag, but I could still play with them and communicate effectively with them without things getting silly as I have before.

The holier art thou attitude, double standards, hypocrisy, contempt for players and completely shitting on donators was stifling. They could dish it out but didn't like it when they were called out on it.
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