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Womans in your city - Verified Damsels


40mm enthusiast
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-bZ- Member
BF4 Admin
I think it’s just a more accurate term lol.


-bZ- Recruit
Everyone knows women are a CIA psyop.

Now, if you’d have said men in my area, then I def woulda clicked that link.
Are people actually clicking these links here, or is there something else passing a virus around here?


40mm enthusiast
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-bZ- Member
BF4 Admin
Could be that, or it could also be accounts with credintials that have appeared in data breaches.
All STDs are preceded by an STI, but not all STIs become diseases…
Right. That is what I said. It's a needless distinction though. If you have an asymptomatic infection that does not mean you are not still a potential carrier of the disease. It's just done to avoid the appearance of a social stigma but since it's just replacing one word - disease - with another - infection - then all you are doing is transferring that perceived stigma to a different word. In the future it is entirely plausible that the term "sexually transmitted infection" will be deemed insensitive because now there will be a perception of a negative stigma associated with the word "infection" and those who are "infected" by it, necessitating yet another change to the nomenclature.

It's the same thing they have done by changing the name of "monkeypox" to "mpox". Some person or group of people decided that the name "monkeypox" was somehow offensive or otherwise stigmatizing to certain people or countries. They attempted to obscure this blatant and unnecessary political correctness by declaring that this change was done to clarify that the disease is not primarily found in monkeys and that monkeys are not its principal reservoir, despite not changing the name to more accurately represent its actual principal reservoir. Monkeypox virus has been found in multiple different types of animals througout Africa - including monkeys - and no single animal or group of animals has been clearly identified as the primary vector of transmission. Instead the World Health Organization chose the very Wizard of Oz-esque strategy of simply removing 5 letters from the name of the disease and telling everyone else to ignore the letters behind the curtain.

Diseases are frequently named for places or things which are not their actual place of origin or which do not otherwise accurately reflect the reality of their genesis. The Spanish Flu is called that because reports of its appearance during World War One were censored in participating countries but those in neutral Spain were not, leading to the incorrect assumption - and thus naming - of the viral disease as being from Spain. Various places of origin have been proposed for the disease including Kansas, troop staging grounds of British soldiers in France, and China.

Another example is the disease Marburg virus disease or Marburg hemorrhagic fever, named after the town of Marburg in Germany where it was recorded in the 1960s after an outbreak there was traced back to imported African monkeys which were being used to test a polio vaccine.

Typhoid is so named because it was originally thought to be a variant of typhus while in reality it is not related to any of the bacteria which cause the different types of typhus. Typhus itself shares its origins with the Greek word for "whirlwind" : typhon, from which we get the word "typhoon".

My point in all of this is that the deliberate alteration, and at times obscuration, of naturally evolved language is undertaken to direct and control the societal mores of people to better suit those of the ones doing the directing. It is intellectual and linguistic authoritarianism whereby one group - often those in positions of power or authority - declare their position to be the sole correct one at the expense of all others rather than allowing for society as a whole to decide for itself what is "correct".