Recent content by -bZ-AngrySalsa

  1. -bZ-AngrySalsa

    Ban Appeal: Yiffogriff

    This is an automatic plugin that does exactly what you are claiming here. Play a few rounds with that gun normally to equalize your stats, let us know when you have done so, and we will unban you. If we unbanned you currently the plugin would re-ban you automatically. Let me know if you...
  2. -bZ-AngrySalsa

    Not Banned Ban Appeal: Sba377

    Looks like you were playing with a VPN, we do not allow VPNs on our servers, with it turned off you should have no issues! Take care
  3. -bZ-AngrySalsa

    Appeal Approved Ban Appeal: HFMM_2410

    This is fixed. Appeal approved!
  4. -bZ-AngrySalsa

    Question on rule.

    You already know the answer to this question and many more. Banzore reserves the right to allow players to play on their servers. Go intentionally do that and see what happens. :) Context is key
  5. -bZ-AngrySalsa

    Appeal Denied Ban Appeal: Razzeal103

    Yeah, this will be a denied. Go be dumb someplace else. Have a good one!
  6. -bZ-AngrySalsa

    Appeal Approved Ban Appeal: rafatito03

    This would appear to be the case. I would recommend you play with this gun normally for a few rounds on another server that doesn't use these plugins. This will lower the DPS on it to a more normal level. If we were to unban you now the system would just ban you again. Reply back here once...
  7. -bZ-AngrySalsa

    External Ban Ban Appeal: Liberatorz

    This would be because of your other account : DanManBlooms This account has a TeamKillBan currently in place.
  8. -bZ-AngrySalsa

    External Ban Ban Appeal: UhhMicroo

    You are banned by Battlefield Agency and BF4DB, You will need to appeal through them. Take care
  9. -bZ-AngrySalsa

    Appeal Approved Ban Appeal: VerticalWhite

    Looks to be a false positive. Could be a combination of different things. Appeal approved
  10. -bZ-AngrySalsa

    Appeal Approved Ban Appeal: towyoutoo

    Please see your other appeal:
  11. -bZ-AngrySalsa

    Not Banned Ban Appeal: Z1234Tommy

    You will need to turn off your VPN in order to play on our servers. We do not whitelist or allow VPNS. Take care!
  12. -bZ-AngrySalsa

    Appeal Approved Ban Appeal: towyoutoo

    Looks to be a false positive. Appeal approved.
  13. -bZ-AngrySalsa

    Ban Appeal: Iceinus

    Kill trading is never recommended, it auto flags in our systems as suspicious and thus bans you. Looking at your stats, you have several guns that you will need to lower the stats for in order to be able to play here again. Namely Headshots, you will need to get kills with these guns avoiding...
  14. -bZ-AngrySalsa

    Appeal Approved Ban Appeal: Frag_rounder

    This checks out. Appeal approved.