Question on rule.

I have a question regarding "attacking uncap."

If there is a helicopter pilot that has a gunner or gunners, and they specifically go to or hover right over or in front of the enemy's uncap area, but do not fire a shot, but entice/encourage/bait their gunners into firing into the uncap, would the pilot be guilty as well? They're not technically firing, but they are reaping the benefits of their gunners firing into the uncap unprovoked by receiving points for the gunners actions as well.

The pilot does not attempt to move their vehicle so the gunners stop shooting into the uncap, they do not fly to other points, they do not try to get behind cover so their gunners can't shoot into uncap... Would this be considered a rule violation as well?
You already know the answer to this question and many more.

Banzore reserves the right to allow players to play on their servers. Go intentionally do that and see what happens. :)

Context is key
You already know the answer to this question and many more.

Banzore reserves the right to allow players to play on their servers. Go intentionally do that and see what happens. :)

Context is key
I know, but sometimes it's subjective and I just wanted clarification. I just wanted to remove doubt. Thank you for the response! <3 fren

ETA: Wasn't me, just didn't want to get banned for "false reports." Cheers.
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I know, but sometimes it's subjective and I just wanted clarification. I just wanted to remove doubt. Thank you for the response! <3 fren

ETA: Wasn't me, just didn't want to get banned for "false reports." Cheers.
Quick life lesson.
When in doubt, most likely dont.
Especially when skydiving.
Quick life lesson.
When in doubt, most likely dont.
Especially when skydiving.
Yep :D

I have a terrible memory due to TBIs and sometimes when I think I know something is/isn't against the rules, always better to ask. The assumption that someone knows something or knows a rule is speculative, especially if they're asking the legitimate question to begin with.

BTW the small glimpse of your avatar picture reminds me of Nangahar valley when it turns green :)
I have a question regarding "attacking uncap."

If there is a helicopter pilot that has a gunner or gunners, and they specifically go to or hover right over or in front of the enemy's uncap area, but do not fire a shot, but entice/encourage/bait their gunners into firing into the uncap, would the pilot be guilty as well? They're not technically firing, but they are reaping the benefits of their gunners firing into the uncap unprovoked by receiving points for the gunners actions as well.

The pilot does not attempt to move their vehicle so the gunners stop shooting into the uncap, they do not fly to other points, they do not try to get behind cover so their gunners can't shoot into uncap... Would this be considered a rule violation as well?
The way I look at is if any rounds are fired from a enemy vehicle in enemy spawn then the entire vehicle/aircraft is free game. So if the chopper gunners are firing at Seige Tower before they leave spawn then to bad.

Players/passengers/drivers or whatever have the mental capacity to understand firing makes them free game.