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Recent content by Lodie1993

  1. Lodie1993

    bf4 config files

    i did, just found it on a forum for bf3 for aiming but they didn’t describe what it did. Bf3 players be software engineers xD
  2. Lodie1993

    bf4 config files

    Does anyone know what GstInput.Scheme0Sensitivity, GstInput.Scheme1Sensitivity, and GstInput.Scheme2Sensitivity do?
  3. Lodie1993

    What’s your guys’ cm/360?

    I’ve got 400 dpi with 1 sensitivity in game :)
  4. Lodie1993

    Ban Appeal

  5. Lodie1993

    Appeal Approved Ban Appeal: Lodie1993

    got 21 more body shot kills with the unica 6 now. Do you want me to get more?
  6. Lodie1993

    Appeal Approved Ban Appeal: Lodie1993

    Ok will do, I’ll play a few matches tonight on different servers to get body shot kills in for the unica 6. I will let you know later tomorrow once I have reduced the HSKR for the unica 6.
  7. Lodie1993

    Hello Banzore

    Maybe instead of “trying not to teamkill” you could just not teamkill at all?
  8. Lodie1993

    Appeal Approved Ban Appeal: Lodie1993

    Just posting this so my post goes back to the top :)
  9. Lodie1993

    Hello Banzore

    Like what Covert said, it could be a VPN or maybe you were just too good and the AI admin gave you a false ban. In regards to these matters it would be best to go to the bans and appeals forums, if you’ve been banned.
  10. Lodie1993

    How's your day today?

    i’ve actually had this before in the past where i got flashing lights that looked like lightning strikes, that was back in 2016. I haven’t really had it since, but sometimes I get a bluish spot in my vision that appears and disappears instantly. IDK if this has to do with my retinopathy, the eye...
  11. Lodie1993

    Depression and Isolation

    Thanks for the advice, I already have a therapist, they’re nice to talk to and give advice :). Medications on the other hand…I believe are terrible and can only work on a subset of individuals. It’s pretty much get prescribed a medication, go through the process of side effects, find it it...
  12. Lodie1993

    Depression and Isolation

    Just wanted to see how many people can relate with the post, considering the fact there are people constantly getting high or drunk while playing bf4. I defiantly have some personal demons, but I don’t think people should get that type of information, unless they’re committed. I’ve been told no...
  13. Lodie1993

    Depression and Isolation

    Anyone experience this?