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Recent content by Proven_Enough

  1. Proven_Enough

    102 Kills Sniper PTFO - Tips / Tricks / Guide Thread

    I'm not a perfect player. But, I just want to help the community get better. I hope any of the information I provided help. Here is sniper game play - 102 Kills Sniping PTFO Guide : Beginning of the Game : Get the Armored Car and take it straight to C ( Usually Middle Flag ). Don’t Waste...
  2. Proven_Enough

    Battlefield 1 CTE Patch 1

    Weapons Side gun meshes weren't rendering for 3p spectators depending on which weapon was used and if that particular seat was spectated. Fixed an issue with the "Tankghewehr 1918" Elite weapon replenished ammo after picking up any dropped weapon kit. Bayonet charge kills should now properly...
  3. Proven_Enough

    Battlefield 1 CTE Patch 1

    UI Fixed an issue where the Warbond symbol overlapped the amount of availible warbonds in Arabic language. Fixed an issue where the kill log would be visible in the deploy screen in Hardcore mode. Fixed an issue where player nametag would not show in the kill log for some type of kills...
  4. Proven_Enough

    Battlefield 1 CTE Patch 1

    Ribbons You will now be able to collect ribbons as you play. There are 20 different ribbons to collect, and each time you get a ribbon you also receive a 500XP. The ribbons are designed to promote good teamplay and playing the objective. If you have suggestions for other ribbons you’d like us...
  5. Proven_Enough

    Battlefield 2

    Installed Battlefield 2 and gave it a go. Was full of nostalgia the whole entire time. Probably the most time I ever put into a game. Tried playing but I just couldn't. Just one of those games that you gotta hang up your jersey on and give the newer games a chance. Even though the FPS games we...
  6. Proven_Enough

    Battlefield 2

    Do they have 24/7 Karkand Infantry only ? Crap, so I cant get my old battlefield 2 account back ? Remember, being a 3 star general in that game ! Took me forever !
  7. Proven_Enough

    101 Kills Sniping on Banzore. I finally did it !

    My best game up to date. And my first 100 bomb. A bit disappointed I was not recording at the time. Thank you Banzore for the amazing server and good laughs in Teamspeak. I don't talk much but the conversations you guys have are funny af. And uzi rekt me this entire game. Killed me 13 times. I...