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  1. Dots

    League of Legends + Exhaustion

    The assists are real
  2. Dots

    Abuse of power!

    The video is basically pointless, given it only shows a TK and 2 Enemy kills and being punished for the TK. Nothing new really. If some shit happened afterwards as you say Jackson would have to look into it to confirm. Idk why you posted a useless video though.
  3. Dots

    I joined Banzore so I could suck dick

    He sounds like he'd be perfect for solidblaze. A little anal trust I'm thinkin?
  4. Dots

    Thanks Vetus

    I want to know where he finds this shit lol
  5. Dots

    poor ken

  6. Dots

    note's to shane. walmart worker

    this is great
  7. Dots

    Party Aftermath?

    That beard is epic
  8. Dots

    My tank rampage. No heli is safe.

    @4:25 FIX THE NETCODE!!! Jk. Well that might actually be netcode issues...lol But for real, nice run.
  9. Dots

    Will be gone for a bit

    Lol that pic! It will be from San Juan to Barbados. All the Saint areas as well. Maybe I'll get to brush up on my Spanish.
  10. Dots

    Will be gone for a bit

    Leaving tomorrow to go on a cruise  :mrgreen:   Won't be back for a while. Nonstop buffet baby!
  11. Dots

    Wildstar Open Beta

    Heard about it. Looks kinda cool. Dunno if I have enough time to spread out even more for an MMO though. Will have to wait and see.
  12. Dots

    New survival game

    Looks cool, but like all the other games in this genre, they'll do pre-alpha early access bs. I'll hold off til at least beta.
  13. Dots

    Server Disappearance

  14. Dots


    The best part is I pay $50 a month for 100 down but it's always at 200 lol.
  15. Dots

    hilarious flight attendant

    If only they we're all this funny lol
  16. Dots

    unbelievable flying jet ski shot in BF4

    That's some sick shit right there
  17. Dots


    I'm holding off for now to see if the game is a success or not. And whether I can commit the time to an MMO.
  18. Dots

    Cell Phone Etiquette

  19. Dots

    Gamespy Shutting Down

    Hopefully the publishers of these games (the ones worthwhile still) will use an alternative platform for this. Most use their own nowadays though. Bohemia already patched Arma2/3 to their own stuff. I'd imagine other games could be done the same way to avoid a crisis. Some of these games on the...