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  1. Topher

    Appeal Approved Ban Appeal: Aikmann30

    Appeal Approved. (but you already knew that)
  2. Topher

    Not Banned Ban Appeal: hydr0z_x

    join a bZ server through https://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4 it will give you a more detailed kick message than the in-game browser. Not seeing any bans anywhere so you most likely have to update/reinstall punkbuster.
  3. Topher

    Appeal Denied Ban Appeal: BigweeweeArnold

    everyone else is making me regret my decision for you. Appeal Denied.
  4. Topher

    Complaint Handled Complaint from FluffMuffin94 about player balystaf

    1d temp ban should get the message across
  5. Topher

    Complaint Handled Complaint from Rudiarius about player Rudiariusd reporting jtf2

    still counts as griefing and you were issued a punish point for it. Don't do it again.
  6. Topher

    Appeal Denied Ban Appeal: BigweeweeArnold

    Don't make me regret my decision. Appeal Approved.
  7. Topher

    Complaint from TheManNicco about player TheVictoria

    Do you have video evidence?
  8. Topher

    Complaint Handled Complaint from IAMDRUNK04 about player EUSDouglas2288

    looking at his match history he seems to die a lot, looks to just be a glitch. But intentionally done by him or not, i'm not sure. Will keep an eye on it but not taking action as of right now.
  9. Topher

    Complaint Handled Complaint from Jhon Francis about player Anunakamak

    please increase the video quality. issued a 1 day ban
  10. Topher

    Complaint Handled Complaint from Jhon Francis about player Kercy

    No action taken since I can't see the dudes username, jesus man please increase the video quality.