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  1. RogaineFoam

    Complaint Handled Complaint from UbiquitousBF about player alexkingz509

    1D temp ban for him, punish for you. We have told you in the past to refrain from breaking the rules when you yourself are the 'victim'. Two wrongs do not make a right, follow the rules.
  2. RogaineFoam

    Complaint Handled Complaint from BrandonHo666 about player pajachopher

    Pajachopher is not the culprit for placing the C4. If you look closely you can see Deadmanwalken place a second C4 ontop of the existing one (that was there before you spawned). Seems like some kind of glitch for the killscreen name, or the pilot shot some ordinance that blew up the C4 on the...
  3. RogaineFoam

    Complaint Handled Complaint from AnimeSniper1127 about player GCUSAF

    You could also try taking off rather than baiting them. Still not ideal behavior on their end though.
  4. RogaineFoam

    Complaint Handled Complaint from Sabretooth-Ninja about player 1889_GoodYear

    Gave one punish, you're pretty much baiting with these clips. It is definitely not as egregious as it could be considering that you fly in a straight line for 15 seconds before he does anything.
  5. RogaineFoam

    Appeal Approved Ban Appeal: Tommy Finle

    @neonardo1 Would have to provide the context for this one.
  6. RogaineFoam

    Not Banned Ban Appeal: COLT45N2ZIGZAGS

    Seems that your story adds up. If they want the ban removed from their account, they will have to appeal with evenbalance/punkbuster: https://www.pbbans.com/mbi-guid-search-23f220ee789a05fa41da6e12a71ed75b.html I'll remove the effect it is having on your account though, so you should be good to go.
  7. RogaineFoam

    Not Banned Ban Appeal: COLT45N2ZIGZAGS

    Yea the ban from his account is being applied to yours at the moment since they're linked by IP.
  8. RogaineFoam

    Complaint Handled Complaint from FluffMuffin94 about player solaris51 , SammyAllTiedUp

    Solaris Punished, Sammy 1D temp ban (Prior rule offenses considered).
  9. RogaineFoam

    Complaint Handled Complaint from 60miceinacoat about player sosuem3

    Looks like the video link is broken, could you upload to youtube or try again with Vimeo?
  10. RogaineFoam

    Complaint Handled Complaint from chc533 about player gfewsd

    7D temp ban, their kill to teamkill ratio is pretty indicative that this is normal behavior for them. Please refrain from team damaging as well, looks like you may have prompted the TK a little by firing near him, then hitting him directly.
  11. RogaineFoam

    Complaint Handled Complaint from Covert8645 about player [336]GoopyMistake

    He won't be back, thanks. Plenty of false reports as well.
  12. RogaineFoam

    Temp Ban Ban Appeal: samueljasonh

    You received a 1D temp ban from the following report: https://banzore.com/forums/threads/complaint-from-fluffmuffin94-about-player-samueljasonh.16241/ The actions in this submitted footage are against our rules, you are not allowed to shoot into uncap in most situations. Please review the rules...
  13. RogaineFoam

    Not Banned Ban Appeal: COLT45N2ZIGZAGS

    How do you know the following account? https://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/soldier/bloodhoodiskiler/stats/1170389010/pc/
  14. RogaineFoam

    Not Banned Ban Appeal: TytanOneActual

    Appeal approve, that account was very loosely linked and their ban was being applied to your account. Let us know if you have further issues playing.