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  1. -bZ-TargetOne

    Popular Ban Appeal Excuses

    Over the years of reading the ban appeals I have noticed that there's a few of them that come up rather frequently and I figured it was time to start a list for easy reference for those folks who have trouble coming up with a decent reason why they can't abide the few simple rules on BZ: 1. My...
  2. -bZ-TargetOne

    Complaint Handled Complaint from -bZ-TargetOne about player SaltyNiggle

    Who are you reporting? SaltyNiggle Date of incident Jan 22, 2025 Which server were you on? BZ1 Describe the incident The dude's name. That's all.
  3. -bZ-TargetOne

    Complaint from -bZ-TargetOne about player Justin Trudeau

    Who are you reporting? Justin Trudeau Date of incident Jan 6, 2025 Which server were you on? BZ1 Describe the incident Justin was demanding we all be much more sensitive towards pussies like himself. I suggested he resign his job and go fuck himself.
  4. -bZ-TargetOne

    Complaint Handled Complaint from -bZ-TargetOne about player Majskii - repeated griefing and teamkilling

    Who are you reporting? Majskii - repeated griefing and teamkilling Date of incident Jan 4, 2025 Which server were you on? About 10:20AM Pacific time on BZ1 Describe the incident The team was asking for someone to take the AA and use it against aircraft. I spawned into the AA and...
  5. -bZ-TargetOne

    Merry Christmas 2024!

  6. -bZ-TargetOne

    Well, this is a new one for me.

    On Saturday I was on BZ1 minding my own effin' business and the power went out for my neighborhood. When the power came back on I tried to get on and EA said my credentials were not valid. Fine. I didn't have time to mess with it on Saturday so here I am today and now EA says my account doesn't...
  7. -bZ-TargetOne

    AI is going to kill my side hustle

    I do photography on the side and one of the gigs that has been steady money for me for a few years now is ending because of AI. One of my clients wanted a cover illustration for a young Christian woman's story set in the 1940's. If I were doing this it would be a $2,000 to $3,000 gig including...
  8. -bZ-TargetOne

    Complaint Handled Complaint from -bZ-LongTrang1 about player JoeGarridoKnigth

    Who are you reporting? JoeGarridoKnigth Date of incident Jul 31, 2024 Which server were you on? BZ1 Describe the incident Guy TK'd me three times. First was not on video. Second one he redlined me to tk me. Third time he straight up tk'd me in base. Other players were complaining too. I...
  9. -bZ-TargetOne

    Microsoft Windows widespread BSOD today 19 July 2024

    The nice people at CrowdStrike are taking it in the shorts for possibly causing a widespread BSOD and Windows outage worldwide. Go to any news site for more info on how massively fucked up this is. Supposedly a CrowdStrike driver file is bad and it got sent out with an update. A minority of...
  10. -bZ-TargetOne

    CplTunnelSyndrome is a douchebag

    Just got done playing a round of Lancang Dam on BZ1 and CplTunnelSyndrome was griefing me and teamkilling me and why? Because I was in the AA and killing off the enemy aircraft from the uncap. Which is allowed. And I would have killed more of them were it not for him going full retard and...
  11. -bZ-TargetOne

    My Collection of Russian Jokes

    Figured we needed a little levity! Enjoy! ********** Putin dies and goes to hell, but after a while, he is given a day off for good behavior. So he goes to Moscow, enters a bar, orders a drink, and asks the bartender: -Is Crimea ours? -Yes, it is. -And the Donbas? -Also ours. -And Kyiv...
  12. -bZ-TargetOne

    Ylohx - way too good for no haxx

    He's on BZ1 right now and he's waaaaaay too good and I never say shit like this. Totally psychic, sees through walls, etc. 107/3 kd in the round that's playing right now.
  13. -bZ-TargetOne

    Did you get banned? Here's a song for you!

    Something for you to listen to while your appeal gets handled by The Lords of BanZore™ :)
  14. -bZ-TargetOne

    Microsoft Copilot

    The dear folks at Microsoft decided to roll out their AI called Copilot. It will fuck up your computer in multiple ways. 1. It increases your boot time as it loads itself into RAM. 2. It fucking dominates your RAM. 3. The goddamned thing even uses the free RAM in your video card. You...
  15. -bZ-TargetOne

    A 'wolfsangel' is not a Nazi symbol

    My good friend @Covert8645 recently posted about the Eastern European Wolfsangel and the mistaken belief that this ancient symbol is a Nazi symbol. While the Nazis did indeed use the symbol, just like the swastika both symbols predate the advent of the Nazi Party by some thousands of years...
  16. -bZ-TargetOne

    My Special Powers as a bZ member

    I have it on good authority that I'm supposed to enjoy some sort of special power as a member of bZ. This bit was posted in a ban appeal and I laughed my ass off at it! bz-longtrang reported me for racism. he rammed me with a jet so i called him a "fucking jap" as dark humor, obviously. But as...
  17. -bZ-TargetOne

    Complaint Handled Complaint from -bZ-LongTrang1 about player Kroniid_25 unprovoked base kill

    Who are you reporting? Kroniid_25 unprovoked base kill Date of incident Oct 31, 2023 Which server were you on? BZ1 Describe the incident Trying to capture Trage2007 on video as he was attacking and instead capture Kroniid_25 attacking the base and killing myself and one other player...
  18. -bZ-TargetOne

    Complaint Handled Complaint from -bZ-LongTrang1 about player Tezbublegum deliberate teamkill

    Who are you reporting? Tezbublegum deliberate teamkill Date of incident Oct 31, 2023 Which server were you on? BZ1 Describe the incident Trage2007 had spawnkilled me in the jet so I started recording to capture him and then Tezbublegum teamkills me at about 24 seconds in. (Video upload...
  19. -bZ-TargetOne

    Man, I LOVE this place!!!

    Banzore is the Best. Fucking. Place. EVER!!! Case in point is this absolutely EPIC exchange here!
  20. -bZ-TargetOne

    Complaint Handled Complaint from -bZ-LongTrang1 about player Sharpboot - deliberate teamkill

    Who are you reporting? Sharpboot - deliberate teamkill Date of incident Aug 1, 2023 Which server were you on? BZ1 Describe the incident Just now at about 3:08pm PST I'm riding with Sharpboot to pick up a railgun, I got the gun first and he kills me and admits it in the chat. See chat...