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  1. Kybbee

    Appeal Approved Ban Appeal: Kybbee

    Thank You, much appreciated! I will tell him the news.
  2. Kybbee

    Appeal Approved Ban Appeal: Kybbee

    Yes, he is my long-time friend. We have played this game together since the beginning. Let me guess, there is something in his PunkBuster history? He has had some issues with the PB, it started when he upgraded parts on his PC many, many years ago. 90% of the time he tried to join a server, got...
  3. Kybbee

    Appeal Approved Ban Appeal: Kybbee

    In-game Name Kybbee Have you cheated before? No What's your side of the story as to why you were banned? Launched the game after a long break, just got a message that i've been banned from Banzore servers. I can join other servers just fine, PunkBuster updated but did not help. Why...