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  1. Special-er_Ed

    Abuse of !Report by BossHork

    so, this kid was reporting every freaking thing every two minutes. it was getting silly. And just took the wind outa the sails of the game. I reccomend 30 lashes with a wet noodle. in all seriousness, he needs to chill. it was this afternoon from around 1130 to 1230hrs EDT. thank you.
  2. Special-er_Ed

    Cheating in BF4 - An Overview

    if we made that into a B movie horror film script we'd be GODS...!
  3. Special-er_Ed

    Cheating in BF4 - An Overview

    yes, all except the gas truck bid.
  4. Special-er_Ed

    Cheating in BF4 - An Overview

    I hope with all my heart, that all cheaters individually slide under Gas Trucks and taste their own fluids as they slowly join the invisible choir.
  5. Special-er_Ed

    error code 1

    wiat.. thats a bad thing..?
  6. Special-er_Ed

    error code 1

    so im getting error code 1 for trying to log onto BZ1..... anything i should know? thx.
  7. Special-er_Ed

    Mea Culpa

    this is my mea culpa. i got hooked in a chat about politics and gender. i tried to voice an opinion. the REEEEEEEEE was unbearable. will avoid above topics in the future. that is all.
  8. Special-er_Ed


    Cheaters are cunts who will suffer eternal hellfire. That is all.
  9. Special-er_Ed

    Why don't you play the newer Battlefields?

    BF Vietnam was my all time favorite.
  10. Special-er_Ed

    Why don't you play the newer Battlefields?

    hayes 1200 baud modem on dial-up!
  11. Special-er_Ed

    Why don't you play the newer Battlefields?

    Because my computer is stuck in 2012 and im such a fucking tightwad that i wont spend anything to build a new one. still using an i53570k and 2 nvidia 670FTW's. That, and the newer games never appealed to me.
  12. Special-er_Ed

    Was it the sun this time?

    You guys should also check out David Dubyne on YT as well. He's a pretty intelligent dude who was a commodities buyer turned farmsteader in east TN. "Mini Ice Age Conversations" and "Adapt 2030" are his channels. he also does a pretty good podcast. just more data points. also- Never mind the...
  13. Special-er_Ed

    Was it the sun this time?

    sorry for delay..... Great Video! and yes, davidson can be a lil smarmy. i also see th eangle of what youre saying about the ranch. Just another data point to consider.
  14. Special-er_Ed

    Just want to thank all of you.

    just read this now rasty... prayers sent bruddaman. Faith can move mountains. never ever quit.
  15. Special-er_Ed

    A Message To The DDoSer...

    I hope the person who started the DDOS shit gets terminal anal warts and stage 4 flatulence.
  16. Special-er_Ed

    Was it the sun this time?

    Fettman, you should check out "Suspicious 0bservers" on YT. the guy (who's name eludes me at the moment) is pretty good discussing space weather and incoming issues. worth a look at least. be safe!
  17. Special-er_Ed

    Shoutout To Special-er_Ed!

    Er. Special-er. Cmon, lady...
  18. Special-er_Ed

    Shoutout To Special-er_Ed!

    how could i be the man if youre the man?
  19. Special-er_Ed

    Shoutout To Special-er_Ed!

    fuckin love you man.....!
  20. Special-er_Ed

    Shoutout To Special-er_Ed!

    impregnate me harder, daddy!