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  1. DiTcH

    wow we been Ddosed to hell and back

    Unstrap that tinfoil beanie. It's cutting off the oxygen supply to your brain.
  2. DiTcH

    VouZou is broken as all fuck 11k

    Oh SmokeBob. The only thing you're going to teach them is how to get a timeout for using the spectator slot.
  3. DiTcH

    According to FluffMuffin here's 2 stinky players launching one drone or another on Shanghai

    maybe they should have a spectator spot on Youtube?
  4. DiTcH

    How does this server combat misinformation?

    Here is your answer.
  5. DiTcH

    why do cheaters always come here saying "i was not cheating"

    I know right? It's like a guy was caught spectating or something
  6. DiTcH

    Complaint Handled Complaint from DiTcH about player BlameBadTidings

    Who are you reporting? BlameBadTidings Date of incident Mar 5, 2022 Which server were you on? BZ 12 Rush Describe the incident Griefing , you know the usual shit. Throwing C4 on us and trying to get people to blow us up with the mav
  7. DiTcH

    Challenging Crisco Cube

    Just shush before we warm up the lulz on you.
  8. DiTcH

    Umm Hummm

    Me attempting to read this post right now....
  9. DiTcH

    Umm Hummm

    Well ya see, Norm, it’s like this. A herd of buffalo can only move as fast as the slowest buffalo. And when the herd is hunted, it is the slowest and weakest ones at the back that are killed first This natural selection is good for the herd as a whole, because the general speed and health of the...
  10. DiTcH

    Umm Hummm

    If this what makes you sleep better at night? Have at it. We're not here to judge.
  11. DiTcH

    Umm Hummm

    As one of the older Ucavers on Battlefield, and have been put in charge of this post by the UCAV group. I hereby would like to declare a protest on this ban until EVERYONE gets more on this story. I think we should all be to hear this story in full before this ban gets lifted...
  12. DiTcH


    If they don't return to it. BF6 will end up being a flop like 1 and V were. EA will kill the series by doing so. Either they go back to their roots or this game/series dies. It's going to be that simple for them. It's going to be interesting exactly how they handle this. Why? because...
  13. DiTcH

    Hitler Reacts to UCAVs

  14. DiTcH

    Complaint Handled Complaint from DiTcH about player WartexM

    Who are you reporting? WartexM Date of incident Feb 3, 2021 Which server were you on? BZ7 Describe the incident someone decided to flip sides and jumped into my squad , and intentional Tking after sucking on one too many ucavs.
  15. DiTcH

    Interesting thing today

    This issue has been going on for 2 weeks now. It's not just him. It's happening all over on different servers. So it isn't just Banzore. Both Vehicles and players themselves coming up invisible when they spawn..but it seems to go away after you die/spawn or redeploy. It looks some similar...
  16. DiTcH

    Complaint Handled Complaint from DiTcH about player lKarmic

    Who are you reporting? lKarmic Date of incident Jan 23, 2021 Which server were you on? BZ3 Describe the incident Base Rape I kept the video short. It's straight and to the point. Long story short? IKarmic and...
  17. DiTcH

    Complaint Handled Complaint from DiTcH about player SERVERDKGLIXO

    Who are you reporting? SERVERDKGLIXO Date of incident Jan 23, 2021 Which server were you on? BZ7 Describe the incident Griefing , two guys ... One is putting C4 down ( ServerDKGLIXO) and the other is using the MAV ( IIVinny)...
  18. DiTcH

    Complaint Handled Complaint from DiTcH about player blackhawk0042

    Here. I've 1st hand watched some really dumb griefers over the years of BF4 , but these two are up there is the dumber than a bag bricks files. Attempting to use the MP-APS to block our tubes...... UM LOL! :p Oh and I know you're going to read this BlackHawk and JasonJammer . So here...
  19. DiTcH

    Complaint Handled Complaint from DiTcH about player blackhawk0042

    I will make sure to post the video of it when we get done playing. Thanks Topher