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  1. Mesm

    PoE- Path of Exiles Free to Play

    Jackson introduced me, got that Diablo 2 feel but expanded and more unique builds. If anyone playing or have interest, should try it. Would be more fun with more people! I'm level 33, doesn't take too long to get going. Good break from FPS and not having to pay a dime.
  2. Mesm

    Both servers in action!

  3. Mesm

    Fake BanZore BF1 Conquest maps( #2)

    http://prnt.sc/dsuzp5 We have a copy server THAT IS NOT OURS. It is BanZore.com HC HARDCORE Conquest Popular Maps #2. It's basically same name as our server expect the #2. We don't know who put it up but don't join it. Don't try to seed it, ensure you're joining the correct server. If people...
  4. Mesm

    Screenshots of Scores in BF1!

    http://prnt.sc/cxd1vy http://prnt.sc/cxdeno
  5. Mesm

    Happy Easter

    Hope everyone had/are having a good easter.  If you don't celebrate, well, have a good sunday then!
  6. Mesm

    BF3 Beta Best!

    Time to post those screenshots of you showing off! This one was rather funny due to me having the bug where teammates names weren't showing up. So had to be bit careful on who I shot and yet... Edit: I was support(M249) and wasn't actually sitting back, I was up close and personal and then...