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  1. UnknownMurderss

    Complaint Handled Complaint from UnknownMurderss about player daliborsky

    Who are you reporting? daliborsky Date of incident Oct 17, 2023 Which server were you on? BZ1 Describe the incident Leaving the Uncap. We haven't reached the islands yet but I can confirm via sound that our gunners haven't fired yet when we were leaving uncap. When we returned to uncap...
  2. UnknownMurderss

    Complaint Handled Complaint from UnknownMurderss about player LtMisionero

    Who are you reporting? LtMisionero Date of incident Oct 17, 2023 Which server were you on? BZ1 Describe the incident The player left the vehicle to try to hop to another vehicle - henceforth, the communication tool "REQUEST RIDE". It seemed that the friendly LAV/BTR drove off then the...
  3. UnknownMurderss

    Complaint Handled Complaint from UnknownMurderss about player 1078_T3A-Bagg3R

    Who are you reporting? 1078_T3A-Bagg3R Date of incident Oct 11, 2023 Which server were you on? BZ1 Describe the incident Attacking uncap - 1:20ish AM EST - I used a !report. https://youtu.be/AQ9uqrdirDM
  4. UnknownMurderss

    Complaint Handled Complaint from UnknownMurderss about player CaptainCarnage1

    Carrying conversation to here. How can I check twice in a fast-paced game? Asking for clarification. I admit I can see the two blue arrows northwest of the RU point when reviewing the video recording but in my defense, I see white helicopter HUD. On a first assumption, it indicates it's not...
  5. UnknownMurderss

    Complaint Handled Complaint from UnknownMurderss about player CaptainCarnage1

    Who are you reporting? CaptainCarnage1 Date of incident Oct 3, 2023 Which server were you on? BZ1 Describe the incident Spawned into an attack helicopter as the pilot. Friendlies spawned into the helicopter and took me out with them. It can't be any simpler than this. Link...
  6. UnknownMurderss

    Complaint Handled Complaint from UnknownMurderss about player 1noobsssss

    RAW LEAKED YouTube Video: @FluffMuffin94 claims to say he knows about the TK in progress.
  7. UnknownMurderss

    Complaint Handled Complaint from UnknownMurderss about player 1noobsssss

    Who are you reporting? 1noobsssss Date of incident Jan 18, 2022 Which server were you on? BZ1 Describe the incident 1noobsssss (with their friends) CAUGHT IN ACT trying to TK a Banzore Forum Vigilante Reporter using Motar Truck from Uncap Base - GONE WRONG.
  8. UnknownMurderss

    Complaint Handled Complaint from UnknownMurderss about player Milotuna666

    Who are you reporting? Milotuna666 Date of incident Jan 17, 2022 Which server were you on? BZ1 Describe the incident Can't really "accidentally" teamkill, you gotta put some more effort into getting the friendly helicopter down. You can notice me spinning around to see what was firing...
  9. UnknownMurderss

    BZ1 Greatest Moments "DON'T SPAWN" - 1-0

    Greatest Moment - Everyone telling each other NOT to spawn.
  10. UnknownMurderss

    Complaint Handled Complaint from UnknownMurderss about player Cupcakes_n_Saws

    The player seems to know they're breaking the rules.
  11. UnknownMurderss

    Complaint Handled Complaint from UnknownMurderss about player FFEE1987

    Who are you reporting? FFEE1987 Date of incident Jan 16, 2022 Which server were you on? BZ1 Describe the incident Base raping with carrier helicopter similar to my other report. YouTube: https://youtu.be/euG75W01s_A Banzore...
  12. UnknownMurderss

    Complaint Handled Complaint from UnknownMurderss about player Cupcakes_n_Saws

    RAW Footage of carrier helicopter diving into uncap against the attack helicopter for the kill:
  13. UnknownMurderss

    Complaint Handled Complaint from UnknownMurderss about player Cupcakes_n_Saws

    Who are you reporting? Cupcakes_n_Saws Date of incident Jan 16, 2022 Which server were you on? BZ1 Describe the incident Cupcakes_n_Saws attacking the base. Screenshot indicates how early in the game they've been attacking the uncap. YouTube: https://youtu.be/2e3a1LCLX8Q Banzore...
  14. UnknownMurderss

    Complaint Handled Complaint from UnknownMurderss about player CaptainCarnage1

    Who are you reporting? CaptainCarnage1 Date of incident Jan 15, 2022 Which server were you on? BZ1 Describe the incident Base rape. I haven't even left the base. I was attacked while on the base without my helicopter leaving. As soon as I take off, I was met with UCAV with an...