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  • Only the thread starter and admins can reply to appeals/complaints.

Complaint Handled Complaint from UnknownMurderss about player CaptainCarnage1

Who are you reporting? CaptainCarnage1

Date of incident Oct 3, 2023

Which server were you on? BZ1

Describe the incident Spawned into an attack helicopter as the pilot. Friendlies spawned into the helicopter and took me out with them. It can't be any simpler than this.

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZC8lN0L_5U&ab_channel=DarthVader
Timestamp: 0:12-0:31
Issued a 2D temporary ban for CaptainCarnage1 for the intentional teamkill.

They made the mistake of going back to uncap to repair (see video, it shows a damaged viper being repaired) which allows anyone on the team to spawn into it.
Please check before you spawn in to a vehicle if it is being repaired or if friendlies are around it. We do punish for incidents where it shows someone stealing a vehicle. In this case, you are given the benefit of doubt since you were able to spawn directly into it.



Carrying conversation to here.


How can I check twice in a fast-paced game? Asking for clarification. I admit I can see the two blue arrows northwest of the RU point when reviewing the video recording but in my defense, I see white helicopter HUD. On a first assumption, it indicates it's not claimed.

This returns to my first point, was TK necessary here? The rules says otherwise.


I wanted to make sure I get my story out then I'll rest my case since it's already handled.
My above response and the following forum post should help to clarify any potential misunderstandings.
