24/7 locker


-bZ- Member
So, id say over the last 6 hours of playing today, ive lost out on about 2-3 full levels/ranks, and about 400 kills, and about 6x 20-30+ kill streaks because the one time i toss a nade, a team mate decides to run in front of me and bounce it back into our group and it kicks me from the game cuz well, in locker, you got 15+ people always packed in one area..

for one:its hardcore, two: its locker, its ALWAYS a traffic jam no matter where you go

its extremely frustrating especially just 3 minutes ago i was about to hit a 40 kill streak and that exact shit happened and i lost all the points from that match.

imo, take the kick on tk out of the locker map.. it dont belong in hardcore locker. punish, sure, but kicking is a bit extreme and ridiculous especially when 99.9999999% of the damn time, its the person that got killed's fault, especially on hardcore... im sick of losing a fuck ton of points and levels/ranks cuz people cant go around you and you end up shooting them/bouncing a nade off their back or sniping their pinky toe and getting kicked.

its a complete waste of time when i spend 20-30 minutes in a match just to get kicked 2 minutes before its over and on a 30+ kill streak cuz some tard wants to run up to you and purposely stand in front of you while you are shooting.

ps: yes, im pissed.
ps-ps: like it wouldnt be an issue if i was a shit player and wasnt even breaking even on my kill/death ratio, cuz then getting kicked would be a favor, but thats not the case <
We have to have ff on to maintain a somewhat controlled chaos. If we had no ff , then it would be a complete spam fest of nades , rpg's etc.... The way it is now , after a player gets kicked for tk'ing and losing all of said points , they start to have more control over how they play on the server.

We do not want just a constant barrage of rockets /explosives going through tunnels/hallways with out even the slightest idea of whom or what is on the other side.
We have to have ff on to maintain a somewhat controlled chaos. If we had no ff , then it would be a complete spam fest of nades , rpg's etc.... The way it is now , after a player gets kicked for tk'ing and losing all of said points , they start to have more control over how they play on the server.We do not want just a constant barrage of rockets /explosives going through tunnels/hallways with out even the slightest idea of whom or what is on the other side.
friendly fire isnt the issue, its getting kicked for friendly fire.

i can maintain control of myself and getting 30+ kill streaks but i cant maintain other players intelligence when it comes to not running in front of and standing in front of other players that are already there and shooting.. like i said its usually always the person that got killed's fault

the other issue with that is the team mate markers never show up half the time until its too late. its hard to tell if a team mate is around a popular corner when there is no tag on them to indicate so.. makes it a severe pain in the ass cuz you think the enemy is around the corner cuz you see movement/shooting, but no team marker, so you toss a nade around the corner and find out its not an enemy.

every other map is fine, its just that locker is a different beast and needs to be handled differently.
If we turn off kicking for FF , then people would just be constantly getting team killed over and over with no repercussion to said tk'er. Not many pubbers/members will want to remain in a server in which they keep getting Tk'd over and over by FF explosives/bullets , because of no fear of being kicked and losing all points/promotions?
If we turn off kicking for FF , then people would just be constantly getting team killed over and over with no repercussion to said tk'er. Not many pubbers/members will want to remain in a server in which they keep getting Tk'd over and over by FF explosives/bullets , because of no fear of being kicked and losing all points/promotions?
i would stay cuz it would eliminate the issue of getting kicked cuz of dumass's that knowingly run in front of your barrel while you are shooting. hell id be very optimistic on betting on the fact that you would attract a hell of a lot more players to the server.

there is still the punish function, which sucks when someone does it to you cuz it wastes your time. that is enough of a deterrent to watch your nades/shots. it is for me at least cuz i value every second of my time and have zero tolerance for waiting on shit, especially respawning.. and you can be assured that most hardcore gamers are that way and that the punish function would suffice

id say take the kick on tk thing away completely and see how the server does for a week. i bet it will jump close to rank 1, if not rank 1 entirely

the 24/7 locker server is the only one i play on so yeah >< lol
We'll bring it up at the meeting, but I for one don't want to get rid of it. I have still yet to get kicked for TK in the Locker server. Maybe I'm not trying hard enough?

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CR8Z said:
We'll bring it up at the meeting, but I for one don't want to get rid of it. I have still yet to get kicked for TK in the Locker server. Maybe I'm not trying hard enough?Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
well, i dont get 30-40 kill streaks by waiting for people to come around corners. im pretty proactive and go guns a blazing lol