ADD team votekick

Add votekick option for troubled teammates?

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having a votekick option will help with griefers and trolls instead of having to wait whole matches before said troll either get bored and leaves or the off chance a admin with privileges can kick.


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You seems new here, if you have a problem with someone just record them and report here with evidence. People will also troll the votekick system to try to kick others for whatever reason they want.

To report someone go to:
if you have a troll or griefer on your team you'll have to record evidence, upload it, wait for a response (which will take ages) AND then the troll get punished. Why I sugest this is because if you want the TKer/griefer out of the match right then and there and not ruin the rest of the match people will have the opportunity to do so. I've seen it work on other massive multiplayer titles. I cant remember the last time a whole group of people went out of their way to abuse the system.
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That server doesnt have an admin. Thats why they put vote system. Everyone can open vote kick, they do everytime to troll other players.
And no I didnt get kicked/banned.
Glad to hear you didnt get kicked! The reason I ask is because usually kicking systems are usually never abused. And in order to get kicked you'd have to be REALLY trolling the team to get them to kick you.
I’ve been playing battlefield games since 2005. Been on many, many servers where votekick is abused. Where were you in 2005?
I’ve been playing battlefield games since 2005. Been on many, many servers where votekick is abused. Where were you in 2005?
playing cod loooooool. But I've got hours in battlefield games and havent seen it, both in bfv and bf1. I've recently started playing bf4 though so if this community is a little more toxic than those other battlefields than maybe votekick shouldent be a thing I guess :confused:
Here's what happens. Every game. Someone pisses someone else off. And instead of name calling, or teammate griefing, they initiate a votekick. That votekick gets "yelled" to everyone's screen, becomes a distraction from the game. and some ignore, some join the troll that started it. Players stop playing to ask what's going on. Before you know it, few are playing, MOST are now arguing in chat, and the votekick fails (as it should). Then, immediately, someone else starts another votekick and repeats the process. Please enjoy the experience of others that have gone before you. I am thankful the admins here are seasoned player, and run a very successful and long standing bunch of servers. Trying not to sound like a dick, but if you like votekick servers, go find yourself one. Especially as a "BZ-Recruit; this is the time where you get along and try to fit in, to show Banzore you will not be an issue. Not starting forum "suggestions" to "improve" the servers.
Here's what happens. Every game. Someone pisses someone else off. And instead of name calling, or teammate griefing, they initiate a votekick. That votekick gets "yelled" to everyone's screen, becomes a distraction from the game. and some ignore, some join the troll that started it. Players stop playing to ask what's going on. Before you know it, few are playing, MOST are now arguing in chat, and the votekick fails (as it should). Then, immediately, someone else starts another votekick and repeats the process. Please enjoy the experience of others that have gone before you. I am thankful the admins here are seasoned player, and run a very successful and long standing bunch of servers. Trying not to sound like a dick, but if you like votekick servers, go find yourself one. Especially as a "BZ-Recruit; this is the time where you get along and try to fit in, to show Banzore you will not be an issue. Not starting forum "suggestions" to "improve" the servers.
isnt suggesting or trying to improve the server every member should do? Also I think you've created this hypothetical scenario in your head and you think this is whats going to happen everytime, that "oh god the games ruined because someone intiated a votekick" isnt a good argument imo, I've seen it work plenty of times in the past and dont see why it wouldent work now. unless ofc the community is that toxic that players are THAT irresponsible for a vote kick option then I would understand.
Dude I remember playing on AARP one day when the !punish command was broken.. you could !punish anyone that killed you and it would punish and kill them back.
That was funny as fuck
It would usually be a majority vote, so you would have to be REALLY trolling the team to get kicked. Which is what Im suggesting in the first place, give players a chance to kick griefers that ruin the experience. mean trolls like this?

This is YOU by the way. You JUST changed your gaming name. You are a racist asshole in game, and like to cause trouble. I'm hoping you get banned from Banzore, let alone become one of their members.
1. This is a false report, the logs litterally have nothing racist against me
2. the term "mong" is a paraphrase of the word mongaloid TERM(A person who was born with the genetics that made them become a semi-circular blob. That poor mongaloid)
you refuse to add to the fact someone was calling me a monkey in chat and that I belonged in a zoo, his name litterally had the word "munkey" in it
4. I am quite fit for a member role as I have done NOTHING against the rules, including being racist. I despise racists.
5. Sense when does having a username break the rules again? until im told to change my username which I will gladly if there is staff that wants it changed, then I see no reason not to keep it.
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