All Bz servers seem to be malfunctioning

It will be terrible.
Neo Nig,
I've been trying to get this forum account banned, but your pre teen volunteer coldfaging won't do it and you should probably fire him. So I'm coming to you to, ban this account bitch. Or I'll come back tomorrow to re evaluate your Niggerness.
Battlefield Six will very likely be called "Battlefield Sucks".

Mark my words.

That said, I deeply hope I will be wrong. Sadly, I don't expect to be.
would love to see bf4 gameplay with bc2 maps (really miss heavy metal...), and smarter destruction models, but we all know EA... and yah there is a almost zero chance of these server problems not being intentional...
That was for grins. however.... anyone remember Duke Nukem 3d? Well anyways, you could play it via modem to modem. .. And me and a buddy 20 sum years ago would play that my God, till 2 or 3 in the morning every night for the longest time. Anyways, lol. I found a trojan that was made for Duke, which allowed me to see his screen while playing. LMAO you wanna talk about someone going to bed nightly pissed off from "losing". We would use a "phone" as our teamspeak. He used to be LIKE WTF DUDE NO WAY YOU knew i was hiding there !! To this day We still talk and I dont believe I ever told him lol
Im starting to feel like its me but it was happening off and on last week on bz1 meantioned in a previous thread. but yesterday server shut down when I switched to a commader role and it did restart over and over while people kept populating the server. I tried joing bz1, 1.5 and 6 just down and same shit. I havent been able to join a populated server without restart of the entire server. Ive had 3 attempts today and +5 last night no luck joing populated server without restart.

My evil scheme is going according to plan. ;)