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Anyone else seeing this?


-bZ- Member
Upon loggin on and reading through some posts, anyone else notice the broken images? such as the battlefield generators and some avatar pic? or is it just me


-bZ- Member
Kazuma just informed me it is with chrome, the google dns thing


Bald fat guy.
-bZ- Member
I use Chromes and I see errything.


-bZ- Member
well was getting ready to send a report to chromium and all of a sudden it is working again so idk, stupid technology lmao


-bZ- Member
lol now the (i guess your forum rank underneath the avatar) is all broken and who the hell changed it to noob for bz forums?


-bZ- Member
lmao ok, but noob sounds like boob and i love boobies

also what is the ranking so i know how far i got


-bZ- Member
aww no fair mom, i wanna know NOW! *throws a fit* lmao